
Why there is no downside to the Alexa Bliss-Fiend angle on SmackDown

The Fiend and Alexa Bliss
The Fiend and Alexa Bliss

On this past week's episode of SmackDown, we saw a shocking cliffhanger as The Fiend applied the Mandible Claw on Alexa Bliss. This came after a Firefly Funhouse episode, in which Bray Wyatt said no one is safe until The Fiend gets the Universal Championship from Braun Strowman.

Not only does this have people talking, so much so that the YouTube video had over one million views and was trending in the Top 5 on YouTube. It also can freshen up Bliss's character on SmackDown and/or the Wyatt-Strowman storyline, so either way, WWE is in a no-lose situation here. 

If WWE goes the route of turning Alexa Bliss heel, or even better, turning her into Sister Abigail, which many fans have been wanting for years now, it could make for a good storyline. Not only does it freshen up Bliss - who has done everything possible as a top heel but has lost steam since turning babyface - but it will also add another dynamic to The Fiend character. Ever since losing to Goldberg earlier this year, The Fiend has lost quite a bit of his mystique and aura.

By adding Alexa Bliss to his character, whether that be as Sister Abigail or simply as a darker character, it gives The Fiend another element to his character and gives him back some of his “powers”. Transforming Bliss would also fit into The Fiend’s character as well, as everyone he has feuded with has turned back into their former gimmicks, such as The Miz and Daniel Bryan. 

Alexa Bliss at Extreme Rules as Sister Abigail
Alexa Bliss at Extreme Rules as Sister Abigail

Even if this was a one-off as a “damsel in distress” situation, where Strowman returns to save Alexa Bliss and tries to be the hero, it isn’t bad. It adds a new flavor to the Strowman-Fiend feud, which has been going on since after WrestleMania. It gives Strowman another reason to go after The Fiend since he and Bliss have a past, dating back to Team Little Big on Mixed Match Challenge.  

It also gives fans a reason to tune into SmackDown next week, which isn’t something WWE has done recently. WWE rarely does a cliffhanger on SmackDown. Ratings have been down lately, so doing this gets everyone talking and wondering what will happen next.

So, even if this doesn’t go as far as many fans are hoping, i.e. Bliss joining Wyatt and turning heel, it isn’t a loss and at least gives the stagnant WWE product a breath of fresh air.  

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