
Opinion: Why Roman Reigns should defeat Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam

The Big Dog should walk out as champion

Current WWE Universal Champion Brock Lesnar has been champion for 483 days now but has only defended the title three times this year. His last opponent was Roman Reigns, whom he conquered at the Greatest Royal Rumble event in April. That match ended in controversy with many people incorrectly believing that Reigns had won the match, including Reigns himself. The debatable nature of the match's outcome means that it is only fair that The Big Dog gets another shot at SummerSlam, so that the deserving man walks out as Universal Champion.

As per Wrestling Observer's Dave Meltzer, WWE's long-term plans for WrestleMania 34 was to "once again build for a year and have the big coronation" for Reigns, who would be a babyface "between now and then" and beat Brock Lesnar for the WWE Universal Title "to fully replace John Cena as the lead babyface of the company". However, plans were changed during the match at WrestleMania when the Samoan failed to connect with the crowd. He got another shot against Lesnar in a steel cage match, which he lost again.

Although Reigns is not appreciated by a lot of fans despite being one of the biggest stars of the company, he still manages to generate positive reactions in some countries outside USA. Fans in those countries go crazy whenever he makes an appearance and he gets a big pop whenever he wrestles. The main reason why The Guy should take the Universal title from Lesnar at SummerSlam is because he, for a difference, will act as a defending champion and give everyone else a shot at his gold. Unlike Lesnar, he is someone who will show up week in week out.

Regardless of all criticism, Reigns is still one of the top guys on Raw and if he is going be the successor to Cena in the WWE, then he has to wear the top prize around his waist. His merchandise sales and wrestling heritage add to his justified inheritance of the Universal Championship.

There's no doubt that Reigns deserves to be the Universal Champion more than Brock for he is a fighting champion, who doesn't take days off. Not only will he honour the legacy of the world champions before him but will also show up with the big red belt every Monday and defend it like it should be.

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