
WrestleMania 35 News: Miz suffers horrific injury in match with Shane McMahon

Miz suffered a brutal injury at WrestleMania
Miz suffered a brutal injury at WrestleMania

What's the story?

The Miz and Shane McMahon have had one of the most personal rivalries on the road to WrestleMania, and of course, they had to leave it all out there - and Miz left a little bit more than Shane when his head seemed to split wide open, leaving the announce table covered in blood.

In case you didn't know...

The Miz and Shane McMahon have been involved in a feud ever since McMahon turned his back on his former partner to attack him from behind. During the cowardly act, he also put his hands on the Miz's father.

The pair's feud took a very entertaining turn at the Hall of Fame ceremony last night, though, as the pair exchanged taunts and gestures on camera, as you can see below.

The heart of the matter

During their brutal Falls Count Anywhere Match tonight at WrestleMania 35, The Miz and Shane McMahon definitely took their rivalry to new heights, literally, when the match culminated in a suplex off the top of a production structure.

However, the referee's gloves were on way before that as Miz got busted open early on, right before his dad intervened in the match when the A-Lister was laid out on the announce table. The cameras cut away quite quickly, but you can see some stills below.

BEWARE: The photos below contain blood and are not for the faint-hearted. You can see the images here.

What's next?

Shane McMahon defeated Miz at WrestleMania 35 when Miz suplexed him off of a production structure, but McMahon landed on top of Miz - where the referee was forced to administer the three count with both men lying seemingly unconscious.

What did you think of Miz vs Shane McMahon at WrestleMania? Let us know in the comments.

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