
WrestleMania 35: What if Ronda Rousey wins?

For the first time in her WWE career, Ronda Rousey isn't the favorite to win her match at WrestleMania. What if she does win anyway?
For the first time in her WWE career, Ronda Rousey isn't the favorite to win her match at WrestleMania. What if she does win anyway?

If WWE were to follow its traditional route of a hero prevailing in the main event of WrestleMania, in particular after having won the Royal Rumble, we could reasonably expect for Becky Lynch to emerge victorious this Sunday. However, the insertion of Charlotte Flair into the match, and particularly with the SmackDown Women’s Championship, has introduced real doubt as to whether WWE might swerve things and position Flair as the winner.

Another possibility which it seems almost absurd that hardly anyone is talking about: what if Ronda Rousey wins?

Rousey has yet to lose a match in WWE. While the Triple Threat format sets her up to drop her title without having to be pinned or tapped out, she’s nonetheless a credible enough star, both in terms of her real-life talent and how she’s been built in WWE that it’s not unreasonable to think she would win. This article considers what a win for Rousey might mean.

#4. Becky Lynch isn’t the chosen one after all

It's possible Becky Lynch isn't going to be the face of the women's division after all.
It's possible Becky Lynch isn't going to be the face of the women's division after all.

Becky Lynch is generally considered the favorite to win at WrestleMania on account of how over she has gotten with WWE fans since summer, and the journey that she has been on since January. The conclusion that she’ll win is contingent on the core concept that WWE sees her as the face of at least the women’s division, if not the whole company moving forward.

It’s possible that that’s not how WWE feels, though. After all, there’s little denying that Ronda Rousey is the bigger name among a more casual audience. Additionally, Charlotte Flair is the longstanding presumptive female face of WWE. Lynch is the only one involved in the match who wasn’t marked for greatness, and it’s conceivable that at this stage WWE will turn around, and decide to not push her on top at all.

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