
Wrestlemania: Top 10 most Iconic Images

I would begin by stating the obvious- Pictures do speak a thousand words. Wrestlemania is not just the most money making venture of the WWE, it is a text book reading of iconography. I mean, it makes some lasting images that stand the test of time and make icons out of ordinary superstars.

The videos of these moments might be more apt in elucidating everything before the eye but an image? That’s the true test for a plethora of memories

Here are ten of the most iconic images in Wrestlemania History

10. When you fight fire with fire….

You get burnt.

Two superstars who embody the extreme definitions of the WWE came together for a match at a time when Edge and Lita was truly shocking everyone with their Rated R avatar. Mick Foley tried to bring them back to mother earth and in that pursuit gave us this lasting image.

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