
10 Best WWE feuds of 2018

"Call me Queen!"

DISCLAIMER: The views expressed are those of the writer and do not reflect those of Sportskeeda

2018 wasn't exactly a great year for feuds. Only a select handful really became world shakers. In many respects, choosing the best from the feuds that we were served up is only choosing the ones which disappointed the least to a certain extent.

That handful of world shaking feuds, though, specifically the top two, were revolutionary, and will define the industry for years to come.

So, which were the best?

#10 Seth Rollins vs. Dolph Ziggler and Drew McIntyre

The highlight of many a Monday.
The highlight of many a Monday.

Less a proper storyline than a succession of good matches, this rivalry was one of the few things that highlighted Raw throughout a tedious summer. Seth Rollins and Dolph Ziggler would trade the Intercontinental Championship back and forth and the combination of the three of them would have many notable matches on Raw.

Eventually, this rivalry dovetailed into the Shield reunion after SummerSlam. At Hell in a Cell, it gave us one of the main roster's best matches of the year with Dean Ambrose added to the equation.

This wasn't a spectacular feud because the story wasn't quite there, but by 2018 standards, it was very good.

#9 Daniel Bryan vs. The Miz


Unfortunately, this feud was a big disappointment. It fell far short of the high expectations we had for it. That's not to say that the feud wasn't good, of course. It was. It just didn't feel like something we were waiting two years to see.

The first match at SummerSlam was solid, if unspectacular. It got dragged down when Brie Bella and Maryse entered the picture in September and ended on a sudden and anticlimactic note at Super Show-Down.

So what made this notable? The segments. The Miz and Bryan had very good segments with each other, from Miz pretending that Bryan harmed his infant daughter to that time where the Yes man was told he would never win the WWE title because of his moral compass.

As it turned out, Miz was right! Bryan had to become the NEW Daniel Bryan to actually take home the gold.

That begs for a resumption of the feud at a hotter temperature than before, but with Miz currently embroiled in a lackluster angle with Shane McMahon, that, unfortunately, appears unlikely.

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