WWE 2013 Rewind: Top 10 Raw moments that could have been special
While the WWE saw a flurry of great matches this year, it also saw some typical occurrences- like not being able to build on the momentum gained by some superstars. It is not shocking that the WWE failed to capitalize on some great possibilities. Here is a list of moments that could have been great but were not.
10. The Miz turns heel or not?
There had been speculation for quite sometime that the Miz might be turning heel. He more or less turned heel when he refused take Koi Kingston’s tag during a tag team match. Even though this was a classic heel move, in the coming weeks his character turn was not particularly acknowledged by the WWE creative team as there were no heel promos or particularly heel tactics pulled by the Miz. Since the he has been having matches with Kingston over quite a meaningless thing at this point of time.