
WWE 205 Live Results: November 28th, 2017

205 Live!
205 Live!

This week, 205 Live celebrates its one year anniversary on the WWE Network! We celebrate with a tag team main event, in which Cedric Alexander and Mustafa Ali take on the team of Drew Gulak and Tony Nese.

So, let's start the show!


205 Live begins with a recap of Raw GM Kurt Angle announcing a pair of Fatal Four-Way matches in order to determine the #1 contender to Enzo Amore's WWE Cruiserweight Championship. The first match was won by Rich Swann, and he'll take on the winner of next week's match between Ali, Alexander, Nese, and Gulak.

The commentary team of Nigel McGuinness and Vic Joseph announce the tag team main event as well as a match between Jack Gallagher and Kalisto.

Suddenly, we're interrupted by champion Enzo Amore, who beings to chastise his "Zo Train" compatriot, Noam Dar for not winning the Fatal Four Way match that was won by Swan. Dar is in a match with Swan tonight, and Enzo wants him to take Swann out.

Noam Dar vs Rich Swann

Enzo is at ringside, trying to hype Dar up. During the match, Swann works on Dar's knee - which causes Enzo to shout "What are you? Big Cass?" at Dar as he attempts to stretch his knee out. That... was actually pretty funny.

Eventually, though, Swann catches Dar with a Phoenix Splash and gets the win.

Winner: Rich Swann

After the match, Enzo screams at Dar, informing him that "Winners are on the Zo Train!" Dar pleads with Enzo to give him another chance and Enzo wasn't very forgiving as he said, "maybe, maybe not". Which isn't cool, really.

Meanwhile, Kalisto is being interviewed in the backstage area. Kalisto hasn't had the best of times on 205 Live since losing the title to Enzo. He plans on getting back in the title picture, though, and he says it'll start with beating Jack Gallagher tonight.

Kalisto vs Jack Gallagher

Gallagher, as usual, is accompanied by THE Brian Kendrick, who has been more receptive to the former Cruiserweight champion's tutelage than previous proteges. The two have a pretty decent match, with Kalisto nearly winning by hitting his finisher, before Kendrick kicks Kalisto in the head, getting Gallagher DQ'd.

Winner: Kalisto

Following the match, Gallagher and Kendrick continue to beat down Kalisto, with Gallagher hitting him with his trademark headbutt.

Hideo Itami is heading to 205 Live - which means both the Cruiserweight Division (obviously) and Monday Night Raw. The show hypes up this announcement with clips from his time in NXT.

Cedric Alexander & Mustafa Ali vs Tony Nese and Drew Gulak

Before the match begins, Gulak takes to the mic to inform the crowd that their "Zo Train" leader, Enzo, has dubbed their tag team tandem "Power Point" - with Nese being the "power" while Gulak "makes salient points". He then goes on to make some Justice League references, calling Nese "Aquaman", himself "Batman", and Enzo "Superman".

As the match begins, the crowd is into it and starts chanting "Power Point!" which, true to character, causes him to get upset.

Seriously - how awesome is Drew Gulak? So awesome.

The match ends with Nese rolling up Ali after throwing him into Alexander on the ring apron. Nese and Gulak celebrate on the ramp with Enzo while Alexander and Ali yell at each other.

All in all, a really decent episode and, hopefully, the show continues on for at least another year. Happy birthday, 205 Live!

Winner: Tony Nese and Drew Gulak

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