WWE 205 Live Results: October 3rd, 2018

With the final 205 Live before WWE Super Show-Down, the cruiserweights looked to build some momentum in hopes of being next in line for Cedric Alexander's Cruiserweight Championship, should he retain Saturday.
Akira Tozawa would face off against the Sinister Gentleman Jack Gallagher, and Kalisto would attempt to get revenge for Lince Dorado in a bout against TJP in a battle of former champions.
Ahead of the Cruiserweight Championship match at WWE Super Show-Down, would Cedric Alexander or Buddy Murphy attempt to get in each other's heads before their bout?
Akira Tozawa vs Jack Gallagher
Gallagher again was flanked on both sides on his way to the ring, being joined by Drew Gulak and Brian Kendrick. Gallagher looked to beat down Tozawa, who put Kendrick on the shelf for a few weeks back in September.
Jack Gallagher attempted to work Tozawa over with his technical ability, and while Tozawa had the advantage for a brief moment, Gallagher was able to outmaneuver the former Cruiserweight Champion. However, Tozawa was able to roll out of pin attempt, kicking Gallagher in the chest before dropping his weight upon Gallagher with the Senton Splash.
Gallagher was caught by a stiff jab from Tozawa, forcing him to roll outside. However, the numbers game caught up with Tozawa early, as Drew Gulak tripped him up, allowing Gallagher to get the advantage.
Tozawa fought out of a side headlock, only to be met with a vicious shoulder block from his opponent, forcing him head first into the mat. A back elbow left him stunned, but he managed to kick out at two.
Gallagher continued to beat dissect Tozawa, working over multiple body parts with various submission holds.
However, after fighting out of another headlock, Tozawa slung Gallagher across the ring with a hurricanrana, followed by a windmill kick which left Gallagher laying right under the turnbuckle. Tozawa moved to the top for the Senton Splash, but Gulak drug Gallagher out, only for Tozawa to catch his opponent with a suicide dive.
Tozawa connected with a missile dropkick to Gallagher back in the inside. Gallagher kicked out at two.
Tozawa had Gallagher locked into the Octopus Stretch. However, Gallagher eventually broke out, planting Tozawa with a tilt a-whirl-slam.
Gallagher worked Tozawa's back with a single leg Boston Crab, but it was broken when Tozawa got to the ropes.
Gallagher had Tozawa set up for a superplex, but some verbal jousting with a fan caused Tozawa to toss him off, landing the Senton Splash to pick up the win.
Results: Akira Tozawa defeated Jack Gallagher
Akira Tozawa has defeated two-thirds of Gulak's crew. Drew Gulak brought back the PowerPoint presentation after Gallagher's failure, before kicking out Brian Kendrick.
Gulak called Kendrick dead weight, but the former Cruiserweight Champion beat down Gulak and Gallagher. Kendrick had Gallagher locked in the Captain's Hook, but Gulak broke it up, choking him out with the Gu-Lock.
Gulak and Gallagher continued to beat down Kendrick, with Gallagher pelting Kendrick's gut while he was locked in the Gu-Lock.
Drake Maverick gave an update on Mustafa Ali and Hideo Itami backstage. The 205 Live GM said that the next time they face off, it will be a match no one will want to miss.
It was revealed that Lio Rush would be in action next week, as he has issued an open challenge against anyone on the 205 Live roster.
Who will challenge the 23-year-old Piece of Gold?