5 controversial WWE segments that grabbed headlines
WWE today is known for being a family friendly show, and for providing entertaining television for people of all ages. Although WWE wasn’t always as age appropriate as it is now, arguably the most famous era in professional wrestling history – the Attitude Era - focused on delivering edgy content which generated great ratings for TV.Along the way, WWE aired some of the most outrageous storylines and angles, and although Vince McMahon and the WWE shy away from any negative publicity today, they had no issues with putting on some really controversial segments earlier which polarized the fans between pro-wrestling and entertainment.In this article, we take a look at five such segments.
#1 Vince McMahon makes Trish Stratus bark like a dog
In today’s world, where women demand equal rights as men, and aren’t afraid to speak against sexism, one wonders just how the WWE got away without much negative publicity after the chairman of the biggest sports entertainment organization in the world made one of his employees bark like a dog. What made it worse was him asking Trish to get on all fours while doing it!
Vince and Trish always had a rocky on – screen relationship, but one wouldn’t have imagined that things would escalate to such an extent. In one of the most controversial moments in the history of the company, Vince McMahon made the former WWE women’s champion and the Hall of Famer get down on all fours and bark like a dog!