
5 reasons why forming RETRIBUTION was a mistake

WWE just doesn't seem to be going anywhere with the RETRIBUTION storyline
WWE just doesn't seem to be going anywhere with the RETRIBUTION storyline

RETRIBUTION made their debut a little over a month ago. Although WWE seemingly had big plans for the group, it seems like they don't know what to do anymore. In fact, it almost feels like the company is either waiting for the group to gain traction or just find a way to write them off television.

Now, that doesn't mean RETRIBUTION can't be successful or that there aren't interesting aspects about the faction. It just reflects the fact that it is not enough to elicit fan support. Furthermore, it shows that WWE fans might want something else entirely.

With that said, WWE continues to go back and forth with RETRIBUTION. Here are five reasons the group is a mistake. As always, let us know your thoughts in the comments below and tell us if you think RETRIBUTION still has potential or not.

#5. No need for a RETRIBUTION storyline

Why does it seem like the Retribution storyline isn't going anywhere?
Why does it seem like the Retribution storyline isn't going anywhere?

In all honesty, there really doesn't seem to be a need for the RETRIBUTION storyline taking place right now. Not only is that evident by how stacked the rest of the card on WWE Monday Night RAW and WWE SmackDown, is at the moment, but also by WWE's lack of willingness to move the story forward.

Now that doesn't mean that RETRIBUTION didn't make a statement when they tore down the SmackDown set a couple of weeks ago, but it was never really followed up on. It was almost like WWE didn't know where to go from there and weren't willing to take away time from other storylines to do something.

If nothing else, that should be proof enough that WWE doesn't need RETRIBUTION like they think they do. Sure, an invasion storyline seems great on the surface and might make some fans go back to The Attitude Era, but it's lack of direction and fan interest shows that this just isn't something that's needed at the moment.

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