5 Times tough wrestlers did hilarious things

As much as we love watching our favorite wrestlers throw down in the ring and showcase their toughness, there’s just an unmatched charm in seeing your favorite grapplers, especially the ones known for being tough guys, let loose and have some fun, usually at the expense of an opponent.
These five wrestlers take that to the next level, creating some wickedly funny moments that live on in our hearts forever.
1. The Kane-aroonie
Flash back to 2002. A series of explosive (literally) vignettes had been airing for weeks advertising the imminent return of The Big Red Machine, Kane, who had been off TV for several months. One particular episode of Monday Night RAW, August 16, 2002, Test of the UnAmericans was in the ring, preparing to light the American flag on fire with a blowtorch.
An explosion, a new take on a familiar theme song and a very different looking Kane. The reinvigorated Big Red Machine charged the ring, laid waste to the UnAmericans alongside Booker T, and then proceeded to shock the live audience and every person watching by busting out his own take on Booker’s signature Spin-a-roonie. And the even scarier part? It wasn’t half bad.
Honorable Mention: Kane’s backstage promo with The Rock and “Hollywood” Hulk Hogan, and the birth of “Kanenites”