
5 wrestlers notorious for being cheapskates


It’s always been about the money

In the world of proffesional wrestling, unless you are not a top star you aren’t getting paid very well and that is an unfortunate truth. 

Some wrestlers keep most of the money they earn in savings for their future as an investment, just in case something goes wrong. Others will just not spend the money for the sake of being tight while some won’t spend it because they want to make significant savings.

But here are the 5 wrestlers that are just too cheap to spend their money.

#5 Bray Wyatt

Bray Wyatt, leader of the Wyatt Family

Bray Wyatt has been known to be just like his TV personality outside the ring as well as in it.

He is known to be a cool, calm and laid back individual who doesn't care a whole lot for materialistic goods, like the rest of the world does. 

He spends what he has to and saves what he has remaining which puts him number 5 on this list

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