
WWE Backlash 2016: 5 Things that went wrong

A new face is running the place as AJ Styles won WWE gold at Backlash

WWE got a bit gutsy with Backlash, its first pay-per-view event exclusively for the Smackdown Live brand. New champions, possible new feuds, and still questions left unanswered. There was plenty of positive things to talk about, especially with a new WWE World Champion in AJ Styles. Two years ago, Styles wasn’t even a consideration by many to be part of the company’s roster and now, he is arguably the best thing to come to WWE in many years.

Oh, how times have changed.

Now that the show is over and we can all sit back and analyze match after match, trying to create scenarios that will play out over the course of the next month, is this brand better off than it was before the event? The answer is a resounding, YES! The little engine that could brand that has chased its big brother Raw for years has finally caught up to its idol and delivered a B+ performance with fewer matches and a lot more hype.

The plan worked, but it still left us asking what happens now? That’s what it was supposed to do. By and large, there is plenty to be excited about over the final three months of the year, but there are some issues that have to be ironed out moving forward.

Here are five things that did not work from Sunday night.

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