
Bray Wyatt's angle with Undertaker and Kane will lead to main event stardom

Bray Wyatt is in a great spot to make a real impact

Bray Wyatt may have finally gotten over the hump.

The guy that so many fans believed was capable of doing more is now doing much more than he perhaps ever has. In a matter of days, he and his family attacked both The Undertaker and his brother Kane.

Bray led his clan on a vicious rampage against The Brothers of Destruction and when it was all over, both legends had been carried from the ring as fans watched in shock. This was more than anyone could have expected and now it looks as though Bray is being prepped for something big.

That something big is main event stardom. It’s the most valued prize in the industry, the one thing that most guys aspire to from the moment they train and work their first match. Being a top guy is important, it means fame, notoriety and money.

It also means the chance to work with the best in the company, guys who make stars just by showing up. The main event scene is typically rife with those talents and that is where Bray could very well find himself going next.

But he will be rather lonely when he gets there.

Seth Rollins suffered a legitimate injury and will miss significant time

Seth Rollins is out now and while injuries are part of the game, the fact is it could not have come at a worse time for WWE. John Cena is taking time off while Brock Lesnar is nowhere to be found.

Randy Orton is off TV right now and there is currently no timetable for a Daniel Bryan return. It could be said that Bray was put in this spot at just the right time.

WWE needs its guys to step up and The Eater of Worlds is in a prime place to do just that. He’s worked hard to cultivate his character, to build it from the ground up and make himself relevant in a company that is seriously lacking in legitimate stars. 

Now it’s his time to shine and what better way than on the backs of Taker and Kane?

Wyatt is the only man that could have put The Brothers of Destruction on the shelf. His character is twisted, with a warped view of reality and an agenda that only he knows. He walks in the darkness and smiles like the devil that he is.

He doesn’t care about pain and he doesn’t care about how much he must endure to get his way. He believes himself to be a martyr, willing to die for his cause.

The Wyatts attack Undertaker at Hell in a Cell

His cause is the annihilation of everything around him.

Wyatt is a controller, a man obsessed with lighting the path for those around him to follow. He believes his way is the right way and he will do whatever it takes to convince others he’s right. 

But his plan is a wicked plan, one that takes more time and effort than anyone can really imagine. He dares to tread where evil lives and he loves every minute of it. This is the kind of character that should stare eye-to-eye with The Phenom and dare him to act.

Only this kind of man can confront The Big Red Machine and laugh in his face. This is the Bray Wyatt that fans deserve and that’s the Bray Wyatt they’re seeing now.

Wyatt is in his element and when a guy that talented is this comfortable, then good things are bound to happen. He has connected with fans on a very cerebral level, one that has made him one of WWE’s must-see stars. The company is desperate for talents to step up and make an impact; Bray has been put in the perfect position to do just that.

What likely began as merely a way to set up a Survivor Series match has now become much more. Now, Bray will surely be in title contention and that means he has the chance to show what he can do. Of course, the booking has to be right which means he must start winning matches or otherwise no one will take him seriously.

But if that does indeed happen, then fans will finally get the Bray they’ve been wanting and WWE will get another top guy to use while Rollins is recovering. This is Bray Wyatt’s time and with any luck, the company will use him to the best of his ability. The Eater of Worlds can do much more than he is and there is no better time to prove it than right now.


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