Change in plans for Lesnar vs Undertaker, Natalya to join stable, Batista, Jericho and more

- The much-awaited rubber match between The Deadman and The Beast has been officially announced for Hell in a Cell, but that was not the original plans of the WWE.
The Taker-Lesnar saga was supposed to culminate at Wrestlemania 32 as it would have been a fitting end to the feud when it comes to storyline purposes. But the WWE preponed the plans and set the match for HIAC.
It is noted that the WWE already has plans set in place for the main event of WrestleMania 32, but none is known about it as of the moment. We hope Taker does not suffer a serious injury similar to Sting, which will be really saddening.
- WWE’s mobile game Immortals has seen a new addition in the form of Batista. It will be available for play only for a limited period. The WWE tweeted this post regarding the addition:
- This week’s RAW saw a much-needed injection of life in the Divas division as the Paige heel turn and pipebomb proved to be quite an entertaining aspect of the episode. As Paige is no longer part of Team PCB, Becky Lynch and the Divas Champion Charlotte would be on the lookout for a new partner and the most probable recruit would be Natalya. Becky and Charlotte invited Natty to join them on twitter: