
WWE: Chris Jericho reveals Vince McMahon saved him from getting suspended

The wrestler turned singer, Chris Jericho

Former WWE superstar, Chris Jericho in this recent interview with Sumit Rehal, for The Independent national newspaper, United Kingdom spoke about the WWE CEO, Vince McMahon, on dropping his Y2J gimmick and the current superstars of WWE.

Jericho was in London to promote his recent 'London Is Jericho' event. Below are some highlights from the interview:

On dropping his “Y2J” gimmick during his last WWE run:

“It is a lost art, it’s a lot easier to get people to hate you than to like you but it’s hard to get them to stay hating you, that’s where the secret is. Look at some of the greatest heels of all time in movies for example, Darth Vader, Freddie Kruger and Hannibal Lecter, they all became the good guys in the later movies because they’re too entertaining, so the secret to being a good heel is staying a heel.”

“It’s very easy to get drawn into putting out merchandise, saying a catchphrase or doing an interview, I did none of those things when I turned heel in 2008 and it was a conscious decision. When I started saying ‘hypocrite’, people started bringing in signs then I would decide not to say that anymore, then people thought ‘parasite’ was funny then again I stopped saying that."

On having Vince McMahon's support:

“I remember in Madison Square Garden there was a dad with his son in the elevator who asked for an autograph and as much as it pained me as I have a son, I just stared ahead, it’s all part of it and nowadays no one wants to do it. Vince loves it because it’s old school, he gets it, it’s heat, Vince had my back with anything I did, for example when I caused the crowd to pelt me with glow sticks in London, DX was furious, Stephanie was furious, they wanted me fined and suspended but Vince goes ‘no you’re a heel.”

On Future WWE Superstars:

“I kind of am like the Nostradamus of WWE, I predicted that all of those guys will get over, with Cesaro we had a tour of Japan last year and I specifically asked to work with him and with Bray Wyatt when I went to work with NXT I said to put me with that guy.”

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