
WWE Clash of Champions 2019: 5 Potential finishes for Seth Rollins vs Braun Strowman - Fiend attacks, a squash?

Rollins vs Strowman
Rollins vs Strowman

At SummerSlam 2019, Seth Rollins managed to do the unthinkable and defeat Brock Lesnar in clean fashion to win the Universal title. Following the event, Lesnar disappeared from WWE TV and Rollins moved on to face another challenge.

This new challenge turned out to be The Monster Among Men, Braun Strowman. The duo went on to win the Raw Tag Team titles and are going to pull double duty at the upcoming Clash of Champions PPV, where they'll defend the titles against Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode.

As we move closer towards Clash of Champions, a sinister entity is lurking in the corner, wanting a shot at the Universal title. The Fiend is advertised for Hell in a Cell in a Universal title match. Will this end up making a difference in the Rollins vs Strowman match? Let's take a look at 5 potential finishes for Rollins vs Strowman at Clash of Champions.

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#5 A double countout

Will we see the SummerSlam finish being replicated this Sunday?
Will we see the SummerSlam finish being replicated this Sunday?

This is something that will end up causing a furore among the WWE Universe, but this possibility can't be discounted. At SummerSlam, Kofi Kingston vs Randy Orton ended with a double countout, to continue the rivalry.

In this case, WWE would want both of these men to come out looking strong, and one way to do it would be to end the match in this manner. A hard-fought contest between Rollins and Strowman could spill to the outside, where a big table spot would render both the men unconscious.

The referee would count to ten to end the match in a double countout. If something like this happens, WWE wouldn't put this match on last and end the show with Kingston vs Orton for the WWE title.

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