
WWE News: Daniel Bryan on Brock Lesnar being "lazy", Dean Ambrose, Randy Orton and more

Daniel Bryan appeared on Talking Smack hosted by Renee Young

It is safe to say that Daniel Bryan has exceeded the expectations of many in his role as the on-screen general manager of Smackdown Live. He has gotten much acclaim from the WWE universe on how good he is doing his job. As well as his managerial role on screen, he also appears on Talking Smack, co-hosting it with Renee Young. 

Talking Smack is a program that really tends to blur the lines between kayfabe and reality. But nonetheless, it has been praised by many to be an extremely entertaining show.

On a segment of Talking Smack, Bryan and Renee discussed the match between Randy Orton and Alberto Del Rio. He said that he wants to put good, competitive matches and that putting on such matches helps create new stars, and he felt Alberto Del Rio would have come out as a big star had he won the match. Renee asked Bryan about the damage that the two competitors did to each other and whether it made Bryan nervous, but he stated that it did not, as he has great confidence in Orton and his abilities.

Furthermore, Bryan took a shot at Lesnar stating that “he probably couldn’t handle this” as he wrestles only a couple of times a year, and that if Lesnar had to wrestle Del Rio a couple of weeks before Summerslam, Lesnar probably wouldn’t even show up for Summerslam.

Bryan brought up Dean Ambrose’s accusation of Lesnar being lazy on the Stone Cold Podcast . Bryan went further and joked that "a lot of the guys on Raw are lazy because they are complacent and their managers are not as good as the SmackDown live managers."

Bryan went on to say that they are motivating Orton by not staying complacent while speculating that Lesnar just sat on his couch this past Monday. However, Bryan later noted that Lesnar is in fact not lazy and does farm work all the time, but he does not wrestle every week like how Orton does.

It is not sure as of now who the odds favour in the bout that is nearly a decade and a half in the making, but while initially it was speculated Lesnar would win the bout after his UFC 200 victory, that turned around after his doping violation. It is being speculated that Orton will pick up a victory due to these circumstances. However, it is being said that Lesnar will challenge the WWE Universal Champion in his next match, which would be at the Royal Rumble.

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