WWE Day 1 Results: New Champion crowned; Hall Of Famer returns

We learned right before WWE Day 1 started that Roman Reigns had tested positive for COVID-19 and would be unable to compete tonight.
Brock Lesnar was instead added to the WWE Championship match against Big E, making it a Fatal Five-Way. The WWE Day 1 kickoff show saw Sheamus and Ridge Holland defeat Cesaro and Ricochet before we headed to the main card.
The Usos (c) vs. The New Day - SmackDown Tag Team title match at WWE Day 1
Woods and Jimmy started off the match and New Day isolated Jimmy early on before he dropped Kofi on the apron. Jey tagged in and Kofi was being manhandled in the ring as the match went on.
Kingston took some superkicks from Jey in the ring but managed to counter into a DDT before making the tag to Woods. Jey was on the ropes and Woods hit a dropkick to the neck before hitting the Side Russian Leg Sweep and a neckbreaker for a near fall at Day 1.
Jimmy tagged in and hit a corkscrew from the ropes before getting a near fall. Jey was back in and hit a pop-up Samoan Drop for another near fall. Jey and Woods traded strikes before Kofi tagged back in and got a top rope crossbody for a near fall.
Jimmy was back in and went after Kofi's injured knee with a submission but Kingston broke out of it.
The Usos hit double superkicks on Kofi after dropping Woods on the apron and got the double splashes but Woods broke up the pin.
Woods took a superkick on the outside before The Usos hit a 3D, The Dudley Boyz' finisher, on Kofi in the ring for the win at Day 1.
Result: The Usos def. The New Day to retain the SmackDown Tag Team titles
Grade: B+