
Could WWE divert LA Knight's current feud if he crosses paths with former World Champion? The hints are hidden in plain sight

LA Knight could kick his career up a gear by feuding with another megastar. The former million-dollar champion's love among fans is increasing beyond measure. His popularity is so high that the company is booking him for both RAW and SmackDown.

Knight is currently engaged in a feud with two-time Grand Slam Champion The Miz. However, the company could give The Megastar a much bigger push, slightly diverting him from The A-Lister for some time.

WWE recently announced that John Cena was returning to WWE. He is set to appear on the September 1st edition of SmackDown, as well as the Superstar Spectacle taking place on September 8th in India.

To expand on LA Knight's growth, WWE could have him and John Cena go against each other. This could happen in two ways.

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One, being exceptional superstars, both could have a one-off segment in the ring where they cut promos on each other which leads to the birth of their rivalry.

The other way could be for them to engage in a traditional, long-term rivalry. Considering the SAG strikes, Cena might have more time on his hands, so after Gunther (speculated), he could have another feud with LA Knight before he goes back to Hollywood. Either way, this feud could generate money for the company.

LA Knight doesn't care what fans think about him

LA Knight's popularity is increasing day by day, and it looks like it won't stop anytime soon. The Megastar started as a heel but is now more of an anti-hero or an attractive bad boy. While audience attention is what every pro wrestler craves, The Megastar doesn't make much of it.

In an interview with Breakfast Television, LA Knight claimed it doesn't bother him if fans cheer or boo for him.

"Whether they want to boo me or cheer me, doesn’t make a difference to me. I’m going to go out there, do my thing and keep pushing and I’m going to get myself to the top. Never before, again, I don’t want to blow smoke, but I have to be honest. I wasn’t positioned to be there. I wasn’t positioned for this to happen. For it to happen that quickly, that strong, and with none of that extra push or support, and now we’re making that happen. It’s a whole other level. With that, the people have jumped on the gravy train, yeah, and we’re going to ride it all the way to the top.”

LA Knight is so over that the company puts him on both shows. There is no city in the world that doesn't love him. He could soon be in a title feud and even with the World Heavyweight Championship. There are many fans who even want him to be the one to dethrone Roman Reigns, over Cody Rhodes or any other star.

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