
WWE: Edge's possible new role

Will the Rated R Superstar make a comeback?

A sold-out arena, one shocking announcement, moist eyes and loud chants of “Thank You, Edge“.

I am sure every WWE Fan would remember this unforgettable moment, a moment which deprived us of such an emphatic performer like Edge. But even a career threatening injury could not keep him out of WWE for long. And behold, Edge is back in business.

Though he may not wrestle much this time (or mainly during the early phase of his second run), with his ‘Cutting Edge’ promos and exceptional mic abilities, the Canadian is no less worthy without his armour on. With Triple H & Stephanie leading the villainous Corporation, WWE might just need a face that can emotionally connect the WWE Universe with him. I certainly have no doubts about in-ring abilities of Daniel Bryan, but it seems fit to provide him a manager, now that he is no longer a mere jobber in this business.

Also, the Rated R Superstar can work on building the career of his long time ally, Christian. We all know how WWE has been treating this superb competitor. He has neither been provided with proper storylines nor with the adequate lime-light to show his potential. In fact, after returning to WWE from TNA, he has not even appeared regularly in televised matches of WWE. I do strongly feel that conferring the World Heavyweight Championship on Captain Charisma would definitely enhance the falling credibility of the big gold belt.

Now I surely don’t expect him to be as shrewd and cunning as Paul Heyman is, but a man who won 31 championships in his career and is widely known as The Ultimate Opportunist surely knows how to win the gold for his side. I am so excited to witness a Heyman v/s Edge confrontation in the wrestling industry.

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