WWE Elimination Chamber 2014: The Wyatt Family taunt The Shield ahead of the 6-man tag team match

The Wyatt Family vs. The Shield
- The Wyatt Family: Ahead of the Elimination Chamber 3 on 3 tag-team showdown between The Wyatt Family and The Shield, members of the Wyatt Family took to Twitter to taunt the members of their opposite group, here’s what they tweeted:
- Luke Harper:
You three boys picked a beautiful hill to die on……. Sunday. War. It Begins. #WyattFamily #FollowTheBuzzards
— Luke Harper (@LukeHarperWWE) February 22, 2014
- Bray Wyatt:
Dont take your guns to town son Leave your guns at home Shield Dont take your guns to town #EliminationChamber
— Bray Wyatt (@WWEBrayWyatt) February 22, 2014