
WWE Evolution 2018: Charlotte Flair vs Becky Lynch, SmackDown Women's Championship, winners, video highlights, and analysis

Charlotte Flair and Becky Lynch tore the arena apart attempting to walk out as champion
Charlotte Flair and Becky Lynch tore the arena apart attempting to walk out as champion

After turning on her best friend at SummerSlam, Becky Lynch made it her goal in life to destroy Charlotte Flair and capture the SmackDown Women's Championship. At Hell in a Cell, Lynch achieved one of those goals, defeating Flair for the belt. However, tonight, Lynch looked to finally rid herself of the Queen in a deadly Last Woman Standing match. 

The crowd was ecstatic for Becky Lynch, as expected. Charlotte got in Lynch's head early, shoving her down to the ground.

Becky took Flair down in response, only for the Queen to pop back up with a kip up. Lynch drove Flair back down with a flying clothesline followed by two running dropkicks.

Flair got up at four, only to be met with multiple uppercuts from Lynch. The Queen turned it around with a neckbreaker but was stopped when attempting to climb the turnbuckle. Lynch launched Flair across the ring, then followed up with the Bexploder Suplex.

Flair used the ropes to assist her off the mat, then avoided an attack from Lynch, following up with a big boot. Lynch managed to get back to her feet, driving Flair into the turnbuckle, then tossing her to the outside.

Flair got up but turned around into a kendo stick-wielding Becky Lynch. Lynch teed off on Flair, leaving welts all over her back and arms. As Flair struggled to get back to her feet, Becky went back under the ring. Both women pulled out multiple chairs, launching them into the ring.

An ECW chant broke out while the chairs flew before Flair finally pulled out a table. Before she could set it up, Lynch took her down with a flying clothesline off the steel steps.

Flair managed to fight off Lynch, driving her into the floor with a suplex. Lynch made it to her feet at the six count and brought a chair down upon Flair's back as she tried to set up the table.

Lynch continued to break the chair over Flair's back. As the champion dragged her challenger back into the ring, the arena showered her with "You Deserve It" chants. Lynch tossed Flair onto the pile of chairs in the middle of the ring, but she got back to her feet before the ref reached seven.

Lynch set up the chairs for a Bexploder, but Flair avoided, instead forcing her into the pile of metal with a back suplex. Both competitors struggled to get to their feet. Flair rolled out to avoid the ten count while Lynch used the ropes to help her back up.

Flair brought in another table but was met by Lynch's springboard side kick, knocking her back to the outside. Flair came back in, but a spinning back kick to the gut stopped the Queen dead in her tracks. Lynch finally put Flair through the chairs, but the former SmackDown Women's Champion got back to her feet at eight.

Lynch placed her former friend on the table and climbed to the top. Before she could dive through, Flair knocked her off and stomped her into the mat. She then placed Lynch on the table, pelting her with right fists.

As Becky lay prone on the table, Flair delivered a picture perfect moonsault. However, they didn't go through the table, instead they tumbled off of it. Both women seemed to have taken a lot of damage thanks to the moonsault, but Flair wasn't done.

Flair set Lynch up again, then delivered a Senton Bomb from the top rope, finally breaking the table clean in half.

Both women barely got to their feet before the ref reached ten. Lynch, again, struggled to set herself up in the corner while Flair went outside to grab a ladder.

Before she could set it up, Lynch attacked her. The Lass Kicker set up for a Bexploder, slamming Flair spine first onto the steel ladder.

Flair somehow got back up to her feet, and avoided yet another Bexploder, taking Lynch down with a chop block. Flair then dragged Lynch to the ladder, trapping the Champion's right leg in the ladder. Flair assaulted Lynch's leg before locking in the Figure-8 Leglock using the ladder.

Becky Lynch tapped out, but because the match can't be won by submission, she struggled towards a steel chair. Lynch finally got ahold of the chair, driving it into the leg of Flair.

Lynch escaped outside, and when Flair chased, sent her flying into the steel steps. As Flair tried to get to her feet, Lynch begged her to stay down. Flair got up, and Lynch sent her face first into the steel ring post.

Lynch then grabbed the SmackDown Women's Championship in an attempt to escape the match, only for Flair to chase her through the crowd. Charlotte Flair painted Lynch red with chops as she led her back to the middle of the arena.

Flair sent Lynch over the guardrail, then tore apart the German announce table. The Queen sent Lynch into the English announce table repeatedly, making sure that Lynch didn't have the energy to stop whatever she was planning.

Flair went under the ring and pulled out another ladder. However, as she set it up, Lynch hit her in the head with the SmackDown Women's Championship. Lynch set Flair up on the table and climbed up the ladder.

The Champion drove Flair through the table with a leg drop from the top of the ladder. Lynch made it at the eight count, and right before the ref could count her out, Flair got up.

Lynch knocked her back down and buried her under the debris of the match. Broken tables, dented chairs, and the rolling chairs of the announcers forced Flair down. Miraculously, though, she rose out of the ruble.

Lynch was mortified like she'd seen a ghost, and Flair delivered multiple cane strikes to her. Lynch was then turned inside out with a rib shattering spear from the Queen.

Flair set up another table but struggled to stay on her feet. The former champion placed Lynch on it, then went up top one final time.

Charlotte Flair went for a top rope moonsault, but Becky Lynch followed after her, delivering a top rope powerbomb through the table on the outside. Flair tried to get to her feet, but couldn't beat the ten count.

Results: Becky Lynch defeated Charlotte Flair.

Becky Lynch, barely able to stand, held the SmackDown Women's Championship high above her head while the crowd gave the two performers a standing ovation. Lynch backed up the ramp, soaking in the praise from the arena, while officials rushed to assist Flair.

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