
WWE Evolution: 5 Most likely candidates to win the Battle Royal

The Women's Battle Royal has been met with indifference from the WWE Universe
The Women's Battle Royal has been met with indifference from the WWE Universe

Evolution, the WWE's first ever all-female PPV event takes place this coming Sunday night and excitement for the event is starting to build quite nicely.

Last week, much to the chagrin of several members of the roster, the WWE announced that a battle royal match would take place at the event, with the winner earning themselves a future title shot.

The match is currently advertising 20 Superstars, with several legends also making a return for the encounter. From a booking perspective, the match is somewhat of a disappointment, but it could turn out to be one of the most unpredictable and exciting of the evening, providing it is booked correctly.

With that in mind, let's take a look at the five most likely candidates to walk away victorious on Sunday night.

#5 Tamina Snuka

Tamina Snuka could surprise the world on Sunday night
Tamina Snuka could surprise the world on Sunday night

While there are plenty of candidates a lot more eligible than Tamina Snuka in Sunday's match, but the WWE could decide to use the opportunity to give somebody completely unexpected a push, and given the fact that they teased a showdown between Snuka and Jax in the match, this one shouldn't be ruled out altogether.

Snuka has done absolutely nothing over the last few years, but with the rivalry between Charlotte and Becky Lynch likely to end in the near future, there is every chance Snuka could find herself pushed up the card a little bit to help Charlotte get a few victories before her rumored WrestleMania match with Ronda Rousey.

There is also the surprise factor to be considered, and if this match opens the night, then this would be a good way to establish an 'anything could happen' vibe for the rest of the night.

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