
Predicting the results for WWE Evolution 

WWE Evolution
WWE Evolution

All across the internet and social media, the feedback is mixed for the upcoming WWE all Women's PPV, Evolution. There is a divide in the interest of this new platform for Women in WWE. We have the group of fans who don't care to watch the PPV but hope the Women do well, the group that is always jaded to what WWE attempts to do and the group the fully supports the movement and is excited for the PPV.

Let's be real for a moment here. We may have other wrestling promotions outside of WWE that allows the Women to wrestle the Men and create a shadow of empowerment but no one in the wrestling business is doing it quite like WWE.

It isn't about showing that a Woman can beat up a man, it is about putting the Women in the spotlight, on or above the same level as the Men. We at KliqPod love this and are extremely excited for this upcoming PPV. Here are our picks for WWE Evolution!

Toni Storm vs. Io Shirai (Mae Young Classic Finals)

Toni Storm vs. Io Shirai
Toni Storm vs. Io Shirai

The Mae Young Classic has produced a bevy of entertaining Women Superstars and solid matches, so it is easy to tell that this years Classic Finals will be just as good or possibly even better than its 2017 counterpart. Shirai is considered arguably the best Japanese Women's wrestler today and Storm one of if not the only young and crazy talented Aussie are set to do battle.

Shirai has a lot of momentum going into this contest, if you really pay attention to the matches themselves Storm spent a lot of time recovering and not finishing matches cleanly, where Shirai has been winning decisively.

If Storm wants to win this match she will have to stay away from Shirai's pace which is methodical and destructive. I cannot see WWE crowning another Japanese wrestler as they have invested so much in the likes of Sane, Nakamura and Asuka.

Winner: Toni Storm

Sasha Banks, Bayley, and Natalya vs. Riott Squad

Bayley, Sasha Banks and Natalya vs. the Riott Squad
Bayley, Sasha Banks and Natalya vs. the Riott Squad

It really is hard to believe that a match with a Hart, pioneer's in Banks and Bayley and Ruby Riott may be considered one of the less desired matches on the card, but unfortunately it is. There really is no build to this match other than the Riott Squad causing trouble and three Women doing something about it. WWE has not garnered any interest in this story, we just hope that it is a stout contest between some strong Women's styles and personalities.

Personally hoping for a split of the Riott Squad but there really is no reason for that other than maybe Ruby needing to branch out and start earning championships. This is a no win, no lose situations for five of these women with Ruby being the exception. Let's hope they surprise us all and tear the house down.

Winners: Riott Squad (with a possible turn by Ruby)

Women's Battle Royal

Evolution Women's Battle Royal
Evolution Women's Battle Royal

This is a great idea. Some battle royal's feel forced at times and really are only good for one off occasions however, to add the stipulation that it gives you a future championship opportunity that makes it meaningful and exciting to watch.

Not to mention the return of former Women's superstars like Molly Holly, Tori Wilson and Alundra Blayze creates a fun atmosphere, but it is also telling. It can be assumed that this wont be the most technically sound match, battle royal's are not for that but it should be extremely entertaining. It also begs the question, will this be in place of the Women's Royal Rumble in January?

Winner: Ember Moon

Kairi Sane vs. Shayna Baszler (NXT Women's Championship)

Kairi Sane vs. Shayna Baszler
Kairi Sane vs. Shayna Baszler

This rivalry is solid and that is why WWE keeps going back to it. The dynamic between Sane and Baszler is balanced and smooth. This is a classic example of your opponent making you better and it is really cool to see that at the NXT level because it shows depth in each performer. Sane doesnt have a lot to gain in this case.

It is hard to see her move on to the main roster considering WWE is having a tough time finding work for Asuka and the United States Champion Shinsuke Nakamura, both winners of the 2018 Royal Rumble. Baszler on the other hand, maybe a Queen vs. Queen match with Charlotte on Smackdown Live?

Winner: Kairi Sane

Trish Stratus and Lita vs. Alexa Bliss and Mickie James

Trish Stratus and Lita vs. Alexa Bliss and Mickie James
Trish Stratus and Lita vs. Alexa Bliss and Mickie James

We should all be really excited to see the returning Hall of Famer's to the ring but there is a stigma that WWE is synonymous with pushing old stars in spots where new ones need to be. There is some truth to that but it isn't a detriment to the product, unless you are putting championships on theme...Goldberg.

Mickie James being added to the mix allows for the nostalgia factor to sky rocket and allow the entertainment to flow naturally. Expect Bliss to play the possum role most of the match but capitalize when needed.

Winners: Alexa Bliss and Mickie James

Becky Lynch vs. Charlotte Flair (WWE SmackDown Live Women's Championship / Last Women Standing)

Becky Lynch vs. Charlotte Flair
Becky Lynch vs. Charlotte Flair

I will go on record stating that it would be a travesty to the PPV if this match doesnt go on last. The implications of the match, first time ever Last Women Standing, Championship is on the line, and the story these Women have told is nothing short of incredible. Becky has solidified her as the Alpha Female in WWE with violence and versatility.

Charlotte is playing the role of the innocent babyface very well and it is complimenting Becky to the highest level. With Lynch being the hottest thing going today it is hard to believe that she will lose. There has to be potential of a run in at some point and it is going to be Shayna Baszler coming off her loss earlier in the evening to Kairi Sane.

Winner: Becky Lynch

Ronda Rousey vs. Nikki Bella (WWE RAW Women's Championship)

Ronda Rousey vs. Nikki Bella
Ronda Rousey vs. Nikki Bella

With the short amount of time Ronda and the Bella's have had to build this as a main event match they have done very well for themselves. Ronda is the type of person to elevate others to her level which shows the importance of her presence in WWE and as a champion.

Ronda has destroyed many of her previous opponents in the past and this should be no different...right? Wrong, Nikki has something that Ronda doesn't and that is someone to be in her corner, cause distractions, twin magic as they refer to it. Going out on a huge limb here, Nikki Bella is your new WWE RAW Women's Champion.

Winner: Nikki Bella

What do you think of our predictions? Comment below.

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