
WWE Extreme Rules 2016: The top 7 matches in the history of the PPV

Pure gold

After having been introduced seven years ago, Extreme Rules has become one of the most anticipated Pay Per Views over the years. Living up to the name, Extreme Rules PPVs have featured some of the most brutal matches we have seen, in spite of them being in the PG era. Tables, ladders, chairs, trash cans, basically any conceivable object that can inflict pain on the human body is allowed, even fire-extinguishers. 

The eighth Extreme Rules PPV shall take place on Sunday, 22nd May. 

Here are the 5 best Extreme Rules matches ever:

Chris Jericho vs CM Punk, Extreme Rules 2012
What a night!

The Greatest of All Time versus the Best in the World. A lot of people actually didn’t like feud between these two wrestlers. I liked how personal it got, with Jericho making references to CM Punk’s father and mocking Punk’s Straight Edge lifestyle.  

Coming to the match, it was what you’d expect from wrestlers of such high calibre and more. Enough kendo stick hits to make you lose count, Irish Whips into barricades, brilliant maneuvers and counters from the arsenals of both wrestlers and there was even a flying elbow drop on Jericho through the announce  table.

There was a face to face moment between CM Punk’s sister and Chris Jericho which resulted in the latter being slapped by Punk’s sister and being attacked from behind by CM Punk, effectively turning the tables as Jericho was building momentum. We also saw CM Punk managing to crawl out of a Lion Tamer and a Walls of Jericho. 

Towards the end, Jericho hit Punk with the Codebreaker with a steel chair followed by Punk’s very own Go To Sleep which was countered and Jericho was tossed into the turnbuckle. Punk followed it up with GTS, which was enough to put away The Ayatollah of Rock ‘n’ Rolla.

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