
WWE Extreme Rules: 5 Betrayals that could happen- Undertaker avenges his loss, Face turn

The Phenom and The Big Dog could come to blows
The Phenom and The Big Dog could come to blows

They say that when you reach the top of the mountain, you are bound to be surrounded by enemies. Considering WWE Superstars are at the very top of the sports entertainment food chain, betrayals should be commonplace.

Kayfabe aside, betrayals are an important tool when it comes to building a new feud or furthering an existing storyline, adding an additional layer. Some of the most entertaining moments in wrestling history have come from heel and face turns.

At the same time, not every heel turn has the longevity and the power that say, something like the Festival of Friendship does. Extreme Rules could be the site of a betrayal that is either pure gold or a complete dud.

Let me list a few possibilities in this list.

#5 Alexa Bliss turns on Nikki Cross after they lose their match

There was something that Nikki Cross said during the course of SmackDown Live that gave me a glimpse into the future. Cross said that she wanted to become the co-SmackDown Women's Champion with Alexa Bliss, pretty much proving that The Goddess will take advantage of her innocence, use Cross to take Bayley down and grab the prized title for herself.

It is very clear that WWE is getting Nikki Cross primed and ready for what should be a really massive face turn. When Alexa Bliss does show her true colors to Cross or when Cross does eventually come to her senses, she is in position to become the top babyface in the female roster, battling the tyranny of Bliss. It would really make for some great TV.

I think that the turn could very well happen at Extreme Rules 2019. This would potentially set the two lovely women up for a SummerSlam clash next month.

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