
WWE Fastlane 2019: The biggest winners and losers of the PPV

A sadly deflating ending.
A sadly deflating ending.

Fastlane was a pay per view that performed above its horrible build and its often questionable endings to matches. In a rarity, no titles changed hands on the night, which was by and large the right call, and while no matches were truly outstanding, most of them were solid.

The show notably closed with The Shield having possibly their last ride together, but that didn't shift the fortunes of anyone in the match. That's what we'll take a look at now.

With most of WrestleMania now taking shape, who got closer to the big stage at MetLife and who fell behind?

Losers: Shinsuke Nakamura and Rusev

What a difference a year makes.

Last year, Shinsuke Nakamura won the Royal Rumble and was headed to a "dream match" with AJ Styles for the WWE Championship. Rusev, meanwhile, was perhaps the most popular star on WWE's roster with the surging Rusev Day act.

Now, both of them have been put into a random tag team and are fodder on the pre-show for a match that was unannounced a few days ago.

You can be sure that both will find themselves in the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal on April 7th.

Winners: The Miz and Shane McMahon

Everyone expected that tonight would be the night that, following a defeat against The Usos, The Miz and Shane McMahon's alliance would break up, with the former turning on the latter.

That prediction came true, but only halfway. The alliance indeed broke up, but it was Shane McMahon that turned on The Miz.

This was for the best. Babyface Shane McMahon was getting stale, and seeing how a heel version of him goes up against a traditional heel like The Miz is an interesting prospect. While we've seen a heel McMahon so many different times to the point of nausea, babyface Shane McMahon was getting worse, so if this story was going to happen at WrestleMania, WWE made the most out of it.

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