
WWE SmackDown Results: Brock Lesnar attacked; former champ injured - Winners, Recap, Grades, and Highlights (July 29, 2022)

The SmackDown before SummerSlam had some big moments
The SmackDown before SummerSlam had some big moments

The SmackDown before SummerSlam kicked off with a gimmick match between Drew McIntyre and Sheamus.

The Celtic Warrior attacked Drew before the match began, and the bell rang shortly afterward.

.@WWESheamus isn't waiting around! #SmackDown https://t.co/d8xRxvUPL6

WWE SmackDown Results (July 29, 2022): Drew McIntyre vs. Sheamus - Old Fashion Donnybrook Match


@DMcIntyreWWE #SmackDown https://t.co/hwVL31Vqmy

McIntyre tossed Sheamus over the commentary desk before the crowd started chanting for tables, and the former brought some out.

McIntyre dodged the White Noise and got a few suplexes before several steel chairs were brought into the ring.

"How many chairs do you want?"

@DMcIntyreWWE: "All of them"

#SmackDown https://t.co/IUYgAvD5g7

Ridge Holland showed up with a stick and cracked it on the Scottish Warrior's back before Sheamus got a knee strike in the ring for a near fall. McIntyre left the ring and wiped out Holland by dropping him through a table before we headed for to break.

And that's what you get!

@DMcIntyreWWE #SmackDown https://t.co/hMoDFfEaow

Back on SmackDown, McIntyre reversed out of a tough spot in the corner but missed out on a Claymore and took an Alabama Slam. Outside the ring, Butch leaped off a set of barrels and joined the fight before Sheamus broke a barstool on his opponent's back.

WE GOT A FLYING BUTCH! #SmackDown https://t.co/W0Ieb7uImz

Sheamus got the White Noise off the ropes for a near fall before McIntyre hit the Claymore on Butch.

Drew kicked out of a Brogue Kick before powerbombing Sheamus through a table in the ring. The Scottish Warrior finally managed to hit the Claymore and pick up the win!

Result: Drew McIntyre def. Sheamus


@DMcIntyreWWE #SmackDown https://t.co/jiIW5417cE

Theory attacked McIntyre after the match, beat him down with the Money in the Bank briefcase, and taunted him.

Well there's just simply no need for this @_Theory1...

#SmackDown https://t.co/OJT6rxkuRC

Grade: A

Happy Corbin was out in the crowd and taunted Pat McAfee with a picture of him with the word 'Loser' written on it. Things heated up between the two, and some officials came out to separate them. Corbin came in with a big kick on Pat and took him out as the show continued.

Apparently @BaronCorbinWWE bought a ticket right behind the commentators desk. #SmackDown https://t.co/zlzkVksE4C

Shotzi vs. Aliyah

.@WWE_Aliyah is picking up some steam! #SmackDown https://t.co/n7Y5ytS61M

Shotzi faced Aliyah since Lacey Evans was unable to compete tonight. Aliyah had the early advantage and tried for a headlock before getting to the armbar, but Shotzi broke out.

Shotzi tried for the Boston Crab in the ring, and Aliyah broke free before trying for a neckbreaker. The former hit the Never Wake Up and picked up an easy win.

Shotzi picks up a huge win! #SmackDown https://t.co/SIQSNnKgJ5

Result: Shotzi def. Aliyah

After the match, Ronda Rousey entered the ring and took Shotzi out with a slam before she could cut her promo.

Welp, sorry Shotzi.

@RondaRousey #SmackDown https://t.co/LccNjC61eG

Grade: C

Liv Morgan & Ronda Rousey vs. Sonya Deville & Natalya

.@NatbyNature has got the champ on the ropes! #SmackDown https://t.co/mtSwXIc46m

Rousey kicked things off with Natalya, but Liv and Sonya were tagged in early on. Liv was sent outside and into the barricades by Deville before we headed for a break.

Here comes the #SmackDown Women's Champ!

@YaOnlyLivvOnce https://t.co/hqqToJ1Pft

Back on SmackDown, Morgan got the codebreaker on Natalya but failed to get the tag. She refused to make the tag and was once again isolated by Nattie and Sonya. Liv finally got an opportunity for the tag but refused once more.


@YaOnlyLivvOnce #SmackDown https://t.co/Hf4COslHkd

Natalya beat Liv down and got some near falls before the champ finally got the tag. Ronda took Sonya down and was about to end the match, but Natalya interfered. Liv came in and hit Oblivion on Nattie before Ronda locked in the Ankle Lock on Deville for the win.

Result: Liv Morgan & Ronda Rousey def. Sonya Deville & Natalya

Tonight, they get the win as a team.

Tomorrow, they meet each other for the #SmackDown Women's Championship.

@RondaRousey @YaOnlyLivvOnce https://t.co/oQFCGdrhBW

Grade: B-

The Street Profits and The Usos had a face-off before their match tomorrow night. Jeff Jarrett was also there and instigated the two teams before a brawl broke out.

Well you knew this was going to happen...

#SmackDown https://t.co/epPJSZsj5K

JJ took a stray boot to the face and went down before the Usos apologized to him. Jarrett shoved the Usos back, and the Profits forced them out of the ring before Montez hit the champs with a big dive.

I don't think @RealJeffJarrett is going to forget that kick come #SummerSlam tomorrow. #SmackDown https://t.co/LDV7RbQJkW

Maxxine and Max Dupri unveiled their SummerSlam-themed fashion collection. It was a pre-recorded segment and not live in the arena.

"To titillate the juices of your guilty pleasures."

Maximum. Male. Models.

@MaxDupri @maxxinedupri #SmackDown https://t.co/3IfrgxNerd

The New Day vs. The Viking Raiders

And The #NewDay are right back in it! #SmackDown https://t.co/Hj6wT9fpgj

Woods and Erik kicked off the match and the New Day was in control early on, with Kofi sneaking in the tag and coming in with a high crossbody.

After a break on SmackDown, Kofi got the SOS and tagged in Woods, who managed to take down both Vikings.

Slingshot. Engaged.

@AustinCreedWins #SmackDown https://t.co/hd6StkWUI6

Kofi tagged back in and got a near fall on Erik before Ivar came in and took Kingston out with a double team powerbomb to win.

The Vikings left the ring and got their shields before beating the New Day with them. They destroyed Woods' already injured leg with their weapons and a steel chair before SmackDown officials came in and broke it up.

Result: The Viking Raiders def. The New Day

The New, Vicious #VikingRaiders pick up a statement win over The #NewDay.

@Erik_WWE @Ivar_WWE #SmackDown https://t.co/Lq7KPI6Zkc

Grade: B-

Paul Heyman was next and introduced Roman Reigns as the winner of the upcoming Last Man Standing match. He talked about The Tribal Chief's 700-day reign and said that Brock would go down tomorrow for the 10-count when Reigns picks up the win.


@HeymanHustle is FROZEN in fear.

#SmackDown https://t.co/tKnYga4Fg6

Brock Lesnar made his way out, and Heyman looked like he saw a ghost and retreated into the corner. Theory tried to attack Brock with the briefcase, but the latter turned it around and hit a few suplexes before sending him out of the ring.

Welcome to #SuplexCity, @_Theory1!

@BrockLesnar #CowboyBrock #SmackDown https://t.co/iWocUB6nN6

McIntyre came in with a claymore and took Theory out before staring down Brock in the ring as SmackDown went off the air.

Familiar foes meet again.

@DMcIntyreWWE @BrockLesnar #SmackDown https://t.co/sOIiwyyxf8

Episode rating: B

We got a great Donnybrook match to open the SmackDown before SummerSlam, while Brock Lesnar made a last-minute appearance ahead of his title match tomorrow night.

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