
WWE Hell in a Cell Results: 2 former champions injured; Main eventer pays tribute to Triple H in brutal match - Winners, Recap, Grades & Highlights (June 5th, 2022)

We got some big moments at WWE Hell in a Cell
We got some big moments at WWE Hell in a Cell

WWE Hell in a Cell kicked off with the usual promo videos for the upcoming matches before we headed to the first match of the night between Asuka, Becky Lynch, and Bianca Belair.

👀 @CodyRhodes

#HIAC https://t.co/TAmCFbaAAt

WWE Hell in a Cell Results (June 5th, 2022): Bianca Belair vs. Asuka vs. Becky Lynch - RAW Women's Title match


@WWEAsuka @BiancaBelairWWE #HIAC https://t.co/s2qARDOfeT

Asuka and Belair teamed up early in the match and sent Becky outside the ring before facing each other. Lynch returned to the ring and took a slam from the middle rope thanks to Belair.


@BeckyLynchWWE @WWEAsuka #HIAC https://t.co/JWmMeV9e0h

Asuka beat up both her opponents as the crowd cheered her on before Belair came back with a buckle bomb to take her down. BigTime Becks reversed a KOD before THE EST of WWE hit a top rope move on both opponents and almost got a double pin.


@WWEAsuka #HIAC https://t.co/Z3uOxxjBEg

The Empress of Tomorrow locked in double Ankle Locks but it was reversed and she was sent outside. Becky got the Disarmher on Bianca but she almost reversed it into a KOD. Big Time Becks tried for the Disarmher on Asuka who then locked in the Asuka Lock but the holds were broken.

Is it @WWEAsuka's time?

#HIAC https://t.co/J1xnacspZ0

Bianca was sent outside before Becky got the Manhandle Slam on Asuka. Lynch was about to get the pin but The EST rushed back into the ring and sent her outside before getting the pin on Asuka for herself.

Result: Bianca Belair def Asuka & Becky Lynch to retain the RAW Women's Title at Hell in a Cell


@BiancaBelairWWE retains the #WWERaw #WomensTitle at #HIAC! https://t.co/jZGRds3KqO

Grade: B-

Backstage at Hell in a Cell, Cedric Alexander tried to talk to MVP but was told that the Hurt Business was over for good and would never reunite.

"Accept it. The Hurt Business is over and it will never, ever come back."

@The305MVP #HIAC https://t.co/GNHTqqcmOu

Bobby Lashley vs. Omos & MVP at WWE Hell in a Cell


@TheGiantOmos #HIAC https://t.co/RjXnzyKNjb

The Handicap match kicked off slowly and MVP laid down some strikes early on but Lashley was able to shake it off. Omos stepped in and took Lashley down before MVP came back and started pounding on him.

Vintage MVP!

@The305MVP #HIAC https://t.co/G7P5ruuFD7

Omos was tagged back in and Lashley tried for a vertical suplex but ended up in a fireman's carry before taking splashes in the corner. MVP came back in and sent The All Mighty outside with a running boot before Omos sent him through the barricades.


@TheGiantOmos #HIAC https://t.co/d7euc1LCGI

Back in the ring, Lashley hit a spear on MVP but Omos took over before he could get the pin. Cedric Alexander interfered and Omos sent him back outside the ring but the distraction allowed Lashley to hit a spear on the Nigerian.

Impeccable timing as always, @CedricAlexander.

@TheGiantOmos #HIAC https://t.co/AyLY6eSMkA

MVP was back in the ring and Lashley locked in the Hurt Lock, causing him to tap out.

Result: Bobby Lashley def. Omos & MVP at Hell in a Cell


@fightbobby #HIAC https://t.co/l23ypci84v

Grade: B

We learned at Hell in a Cell that Cody Rhodes tore his pectoral muscles earlier in the week following his brawl with Seth Rollins. They added that The American Nightmare will still be competing tonight despite his injuries.

Kevin Owens vs. Ezekiel at WWE Hell in a Cell


@IAmNotEliasWWE #HIAC https://t.co/0ayVr0FOit

Ezekiel was in control early on and hit a top rope move for a near fall before they went outside and Owens sent him into the barricades. Back in the ring, KO got a few near falls while taunting Ezekiel and yelling that he was Elias.


@IAmNotEliasWWE #HIAC https://t.co/JaS0FzI2UN

KO tried for a senton from up top, but Ezekiel countered it before sending him into the corner for some rapid kicks. Owens took splashes in the corner and a spine buster but managed to kick out.


@FightOwensFight #HIAC https://t.co/F7ruBLB1wV

Owens was still yelling about Elias when Zeke caught him with a huge knee strike. KO sent his opponent into the corner and hit a cannonball and a stunner before getting the win.

Result: Kevin Owens def. Ezekiel at Hell in a Cell

.@FightOwensFight wins at #HIAC! https://t.co/smZ8THx3Uh

Grade: B-

AJ Styles, Finn Balor & Liv Morgan vs. Judgment Day at WWE Hell in a Cell

Things are off to fiery start! #HIAC

@AJStylesOrg @FinnBalor @YaOnlyLivvOnce #TheJudgmentDay https://t.co/t0yYnGqdka

We started off with a brawl in the ring before AJ Styles assisted Liv Morgan, who hit a huge leaping hurricanrana as she took down Rhea Ripley. Ripley took control of the match and was tossing Liv around the ring before the tags were made and AJ and Priest stepped in.

The @AJStylesOrg assist! #HIAC

@YaOnlyLivvOnce https://t.co/pBSKiETJhW

Styles got some big moves in before tagging in Balor. Edge tagged in after Balor was sent outside and sent him into the announcers' desk before bringing him back to the ring. Balor was isolated as Priest and Edge unloaded on him in the corner.

Has @EdgeRatedR ever competed in a match with such short hair?

#HIAC https://t.co/77X8mYHuRd

Edge and AJ were in the ring and Priest tried to interfere but was taken down before Styles got a near fall. The Rated R Superstar blocked the Styles Clash as the rest of their teams brawled at ringside.


@AJStylesOrg #HIAC https://t.co/Y5uz9iosXT

AJ got the Phenomenal Forearm but Damian broke the pin. Morgan and Ripley were back in and Liv got a near fall off a big move before being taken down with a suplex. A brawl broke out once more after team Styles sent Judgment Day outside and hit some big dives.


@RheaRipley_WWE #HIAC https://t.co/HigY8eBywJ

Styles got another forearm but was sent outside by Edge. Balor hit a slingblade and tried for the Coupe de Grace but Ripley got in his way. Liv took her down but Edge used the distraction to hit a spear and get the win.

Result: Judgment Day def. AJ Styles, Finn Balor & Liv Morgan at Hell in a Cell

#TheJudgmentDay picks up the win at #HIAC!

@EdgeRatedR @RheaRipley_WWE @ArcherofInfamy https://t.co/hF0U5lNfx4

Grade: B+

Backstage, Cedric Alexander told Lashley that he interfered in the match for himself and not to help The All Mighty win. Lashley seemed grateful but warned him to never interfere with his matches ever again before walking off.

"I'm proud of you. You gotta stand up for yourself around here, man. But don't ever mess with one of my matches again..."

The respect is still there between @fightbobby and @CedricAlexander.

#HIAC https://t.co/tYumwlFDck

Baron Corbin vs. Madcap Moss at WWE Hell in a Cell

Keep rollin', @MadcapMoss. #HIAC https://t.co/xc56TF4tic

Corbin was in control early on and sent Moss outside and into the LED boards on the stage. Moss turned it around and tried to get a steel chair, but Corbin hit him with it instead and sent him over the announcers' desk.

Caption this.

@BaronCorbinWWE #HIAC https://t.co/q6LRtqScr0

Back in the ring, Corbin got a chokeslam from the apron before beating him with a steel chair. Happy set up a chair in the corner but Madcap sent him into it instead. Moss beat Corbin with the steel chair before hitting a DDT on it.

.@MadcapMoss has been waiting a long time to do this to Happy Corbin.

@BaronCorbinWWE #HIAC https://t.co/VIUoupvKY1

Moss hit a few spears before sending Corbin outside. Happy came back with a chop block and sent him over the barricades before wrapping a chair around his neck and tossing him into the announcers' desk.


@MadcapMoss #HIAC https://t.co/92EAHoy677

Corbin brought the steel steps into the ring before Moss reversed a slam and hit him with an exploder suplex. Madcap hit the punchline and put a chair around Corbin's neck before hitting him with the steel steps and picking up the win.

Result: Madcap Moss def. Baron Corbin at Hell in a Cell


@MadcapMoss @BaronCorbinWWE https://t.co/jlSyU6r70j

Grade: B+

Theory (C) vs. Mustafa Ali - United States Title match at WWE Hell in a Cell


@AliWWE #HIAC https://t.co/q5HlNMh72i

Ali got some big moves in early on before Theory stepped outside to regroup. Back in the ring, the champion was starting to get frustrated as Ali hit a few more strikes while managing to counter the champ.

👀 @_Theory1

#HIAC https://t.co/ndQmORLOHF

Ali got a top rope crossbody to the outside before trying for another but Theory dropped him from the ropes to ringside. Ali came back with a spinning heel kick before getting a neckbreaker.

👏👏👏 @AliWWE

#HIAC https://t.co/dZASMmT2NY

Mustafa reversed a finisher and locked in a hold but the champ got his hands on the bottom rope. Ali missed his finisher and took a chop block before Theory lifted him and hit the A-Town Down to pick up the win.

Result: Theory def. Mustafa Ali at Hell in a Cell

An incredible performance from @AliWWE, but @_Theory1 pulls the win off at #HIAC!

#AndStill https://t.co/xWKvuII0el

Grade: B

Cody Rhodes vs. Seth Rollins - Hell in a Cell match



Here we go!!! https://t.co/3gSK9uFWu4

Seth Rollins' ring gear resembled that of Cody's father, Dusty Rhodes, as an added level of insult and mind game. Rhodes' right shoulder and chest looked terribly bruised as the match kicked off. He hit the Cody Cutter but it hurt him more than it hurt Rollins.

Who is hurting more right now inside #HIAC?

@CodyRhodes @WWERollins https://t.co/wfwOj66ZED

Cody locked in the Figure-Four leglock before Rollins dug up a kendo stick from under the ring and attacked Rhodes on his injured arm. Rollins drove the stick into Rhodes' bruise before he got up and took the weapon away.

Rollins tossed Cody into the cell wall and drove him into it with a dropkick through the ropes. Seth jabbed him with the pointy end of the Kendo Stick some more before slamming him into the ring post.

Rollins hit Rhodes with the steel steps before getting a table in the ring and setting it up. Rollins set The American Nightmare up on the table and went for a splash but Cody rolled out of the way as Seth crashed through it.

Playing the game!

@WWERollins #HIAC https://t.co/D58TjSfYXn

Cody got a cowbell attached to a bull rope from under the ring and tied it to his own arm before handing the other end to Rollins, who did the same. Cody used the rope to flip Rollins and hit a superkick before bonking him in the head with the cowbell for a near fall.


@CodyRhodes #HIAC https://t.co/nkPSSplroY

Rollins used the rope to send Cody into the ring post before setting up another table in the corner. Rhodes hit the Cross Rhodes before he was power bombed through the table in the corner.


@CodyRhodes @WWERollins #HIAC https://t.co/bZckbttgRG

Cody reversed a pedigree and hit one of his own before getting a sledgehammer from under the ring. Rollins got a stomp before hitting the Cross Rhodes on Cody but Rhodes followed up with one of his own.

Rhodes got the sledgehammer but Rollins took it from him before he could strike. Cody hit two more Cross Rhodes before hitting him with the hammer. The Visionary went down and Rhodes pinned him for the win.

Result: Cody Rhodes def. Seth Rollins at Hell in a Cell

Thank you @CodyRhodes. 👏👏👏

#HIAC https://t.co/SJAmOp6EjW

Grade: A+

Show rating: B+

We got a great opening match from Asuka, Lynch, and Belair while Bobby Lashley picked up a big win at Hell in a Cell. Judgment Day took down Styles and his team while Cody Rhodes competed in the Hell in a Cell match despite a severe injury.

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