
WWE: Is MitB PPV Mark Henry’s last chance?

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Recently, Mark Henry gave an interview regarding his match against John Cena for the WWE title at the Money in the Bank PPV, and during the interview, Henry said that this match is the biggest of his career, his last chance to win the WWE title, and that isn’t completely untrue. Come Sunday, Mark Henry will have one last chance to impress the WWE management and to prove to the WWE Universe that he can hang with the big guys, and be the face of the WWE.

Yeah. This is it. This is what you work for. This is the Super bowl. This is the NBA championship. This is the Olympics. This is being at the point in your life where you go right or left, and you have to go right. And if you go left, then you could either end up not in the business. You end up being marginalized, whatever. I mean, I don’t have a choice.”

Mark Henry has been in the WWE for nearly two decades, and for most part of it, he was seen as a comedy act, someone who would be used to make people laugh. With Vince’s fascination of big men doing comic skits, he was dubbed the ‘Sexual chocolate’, and like anyone who isn’t taken seriously, it took Henry a lot of time to get out of that stigma. In the end, Mark Henry was able to stamp his name in the WWE, and was able to get over the WWE Universe as a legitimate bad guy. But like everyone else, Henry lost to father time, and as he grew older, his injuries started catching up with him. With him being on the wrong side of 40, there is only little time left before he calls it quits from professional wrestling.


Mark Henry has faced all the big names in the WWE through the course of two decades, and now, he has the chance to become the top name in the organization. When the opportunity presenting itself, he grabbed his first chance to become a champion in WWE with both hands, as he became the ECW champion when the brand needed some legitimacy. Things only got better from there for Henry, as a couple of years later, he found himself in line to win the World Heavyweight championship. With the other top stars either injured or quitting the company, the company showed faith in Henry and put the World title on him, which started Henry’s true main event run in the organization, and Mark Henry made sure that he made the most of the situation.

After putting people out and inducting them into his “Hall of Pain”, the “Mark Henry experiment” became a success, and WWE found another main event star who could be believable. From ‘Sexual chocolate’ to being the World Heavyweight champion, Mark Henry’s quest to be at the helm of the organization wasn’t easy, but he found a way to achieve his dream by becoming the World champion. But Henry’s injuries made sure he would be out for a while, and when he came back, he found himself at the back of the queue once again. Being one of the oldest superstars in the organization worked against Henry, as he now faces an uphill task to become the face of the organization once again. A month ago, Mark Henry tweeted that he would be calling it a day soon, and on RAW, Henry showed up and delivered a heartfelt promo, and said he was retiring.

As it turned out, Henry had fooled everyone. In what can only be described as one of the most realistic promos in professional wrestling history, Henry managed to fool everyone, including the entire WWE Universe. This Sunday, Henry finds himself with an opportunity to become the WWE champion. But if Henry doesn’t put on a show, it may very well be his last chance to win the title, and at being a main eventer. With Henry being vocal about this being his last shot at regaining his lost position on the roster, we have to see if WWE places its trust once again in the big man. Come Sunday, Henry won’t just be fighting for the WWE title, but also to save his spot on the roster in the WWE.

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