WWE legend Lilian Garcia reveals how Paige inspires her [Exclusive]

I recently spoke with arguably the most famous ring announcer in the world of professional wrestling, WWE legend Lilian Garcia.
One of the true standouts of that conversation was Lilian's praise for one of the most innovative Superstars in WWE history - Paige.
I also recently interviewed Paige and, of course, had to get her response to a recent "joke" Triple H had told when answering a question I'd asked about the potential returns of Edge and/or Paige.
This was something Paige would elaborate on when speaking with the legendary Lilian Garcia, in an incredibly in-depth chat - so I asked the WWE veteran for her thoughts on The Anti-Diva.
Check out the full interview via the video below, or read the entire article here!
I love Paige! I absolutely love her. I've gotten to know her so well over the years and, to see her evolution as a person, and her growth - as someone who was young, got caught up, made a decision that later on backfired, but owned it!
Lilian Garcia would go on to reveal how Paige inspires her.
That's one thing about Paige that I've been so inspired by is that anything she's ever chosen to do that hasn't been in her best interest, she 100% owns it and then she turns around and helps other people that might be making mistakes or putting themselves in those situations - helping them think twice or, if they have, knowing that you can overcome anything!
Who, of us, has not all made one dumb mistake after another in our lives, whether we drink too much or we're hanging out with the wrong people? But some of us don't get caught on video, for example, doing it.
The legendary WWE announcer would go on to reveal why she was grateful that Paige could open up on her Chasing Glory podcast.
So, it was beautiful in the way that she spoke, I loved that she did get to speak on my podcast about everything that happened and the fact that you were saying, Triple H didn't mean anything by it - but to also know the power that words have, and I think it was just a great way to have a conversation, so you could see both sides of things, and I love that we can now be open about what it is to move forward, evolution of women - not only athletic-wise or in careers, but also how we speak about women.
You can read the entire interview here.
You can follow Lilian Garcia on Twitter here, and check out Chasing Glory at ChasingGlory.com, via @ChasingGlory on Instagram or via YouTube here.