
WWE Live Event results (2/7): Cena vs. Orton cage match, Young scores upset

* Big E Langston defended the Intercontinental title in a triple threat match against Fandango (with Summer Rae) and Ryback.

* Curtis Axel defeated Zack Ryder

* Cameron defeated Alicia Fox. This started off as a dance off, but Aksana and Alicia attacked her and it turned into a match.

* Xavier Woods and Mark Henry defeated The Real Americans. Really good match, Xavier spent most of the match in the ring with the Real Americans. Cesaro got some cheers when Xavier was put in the Cesaro swing. There were lots of chants for Marc Henry when he was on the apron. He had his left arm bandaged, still selling the attack from Brock Lesnar. It appeared to me that Zeb was communicating between his guys and Henry, but played it off as trash talk (who knows, maybe I was just seeing things but that’s what I thought). The place went crazy when Henry got the hot tag and ended up pinning Swagger. After they won, they spent some time hyping up the crowd. As they were leaving, Xavier Woods started dancing and he brought Mark Henry back in to the ring to dance.

* Darren Young defeated Titus O’Neil. Titus got a nice ovation and lots of “dog bark” cheers, people weren’t sure who to cheer for. Titus was sat up on the ring post for a while and he took his sweet time getting down. Started off as a good back and forth match. Titus ran out of the ring and started making his way up the ramp a couple of times, which got him some heat. Match had lots of action outside of the ring at the start but it seemed to drag on a bit, the crowd seemed to get bored. Darren pinned Titus for the win.

* As Darren Young is getting up, Bad News Barrett comes out cuts a promo saying he has some bad news since his opponent didn’t show up he’s going to wrestle Darren. Quick match ended when Darren rolled Barrett up for the win.

* Alberto Del Rio defeated The Miz. Del Rio comes out to some heat and uts a promo saying we need to stand up and cheer for him, that he hates us and he is going to make us learn to respect him like he did to Batista. That on Monday he saw the fear in Batista’s eyes. Miz then comes out to a good pop. Good match, lots of action outside the ring, Del Rio ran out a few times he actually went through the crowd. At one point Del Rio fell from the ring and hit his head on the floor, he stayed down for a bit. It sounded really bad to me but he continued the match and he seemed fine. I really enjoyed the match but the crowd didn’t seem to into it. Some guys tried starting CM Punk chants but they never got going. Match ended when Del Rio but Miz in the cross arm breaker and he tapped.

The crew comes out to start putting the cage together.

* John Cena defeated Randy Orton via disqualification in a steel cage match for the World Heavyweight Championship. Orton comes out to some good cheers. Cena then comes out to a huge ovation. Really good match, best of the night. Orton started off dominated most of the match, lots of taunting the crowd. Lot of near falls, both guys kicked out of each others finishers. Orton hits Cena with a low blow causing him to lose by disqualification, but he retained. He leaves the cage walks around then goes back in with a chair, Cena blocks him hits him with an AA sends the kids home happy.

Justin Roberts says they’ll return to Oakland, but doesn’t say when. Goldust and Cody Rhodes had been advertised, but they didn’t appear. Neither did Rey Mysterio, who had tweeted that he was on his way.

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