
WWE Live Event Results From Binghamton (11/2): Dean Ambrose Vs. Bray Wyatt, NXT Title Match, Axel

Bray Wyatt and Dean Ambrose


Here are the results of last night’s live show from Binghamton.

* Sin Cara defeated Curtis Axel. Cara gets the better of Axel, sending him to the outside. Cara dives between the ropes. Back and forth. Axel grounds Cara. Finish comes when Sin Cara hits a Senton off the top rope

* NXT Championship: Adrian Neville (c) defeated Sami Zayn. Great chain wrestling throughout. Neville dives onto Zayn on the outside. Zayn hits a sit down power bomb for a close 2 count. Finish comes with a Red Arrow from Neville. They shake hands after.

* Emma and Natalya defeated Cameron and Nikki Bella (w/ Brie Bella). Nattie rolls up Nikki after Brie starts a Yes! chant from the apron.

* Fans Choice for the Intercontinental Title: Dolph Ziggler (c) defeated Cesaro. Street fight received 60% of the vote, while a 2 out of 3 falls match received 40%. Cesaro comes out to heat, ripping on Binghamton. He says only idiots would vote for a street fight. Ziggler comes out to a huge pop and plugs the WWE network. Great back and forth match. Ziggler reverses a power bomb attempt into a face buster on a standing chair. Ziggler is thrown through a chair propped between the second and third ropes. Ziggler goes outside for a table. Cesaro baseball slides the table into Ziggler and puts the table back under the ring to heavy boos. Ziggler super kicks a chair into Cesaro and hits the Zig Zag for the win.


* Zack Ryder defeated Justin Gabriel. Ryder and Gabriel start off chain wrestling, trading arm drags. Gabriel is blocked in the corner. Ryder nails a Broski Boot followed by the Rough Ryder for the quick victory.

* Jey Uso defeated Stardust. Stardust attacks Jey as he's trying to throw his T Shirt to the crowd. Star hits a superplex. Jey ducks a cross body and nails a super kick for the pin.

* Main event: Bray Wyatt vs. Dean Ambrose. Dean comes out swinging and knocks down Wyatt. They fight around the ring and Dean is thrown into the ring steps. Dean blocks a superplex. Wyatt hits Dean into the ropes and he bounces back into a body slam. They fight on the outside. Dean starts back into the ring but Wyatt cuts him off as the referee counts ten and the match ends in a double count out.

After the match Wyatt hits Sister Abigail. Wyatt sets up a table and grabs a mic. Wyatt asks the crowd if they want him to break Amrose back. Ambrose fights out of a powerbomb and knocks Wyatt onto the table. Ambrose hits and elbow off the top rope sending Wyatt through the table to send the crowd home happy.

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