WWE Live Event results from Dublin (5/22): Bray Wyatt vs. John Cena, Sheamus at home and more

Tony Chimel is our ring announcer for tonight and he welcomes us to the show.
* The first match sees WWE Tag Team Champions The Usos come out to a major pop. The Wyatt Family (Erick Rowan & Luke Harper) are out next, who come out whistling to 'He's got the whole world in his hands'. Good back and forth action with the Usos picking up the win.
* Damien Sandow is out next and is angered by the boos. He demands to be cheered and comes out again, only to again be met with boos. He is on the mic saying how he can't get a mic in the US and insults the Irish crowd. Sami Zayn is out next and eventually beats Sandow when Sandow is insulting him. Sandow is huge in person.
* Alicia Fox & Aksana vs. The Bella Twins is next. Bellas get a huge pop and "Yes!" chants. The win comes when Brie hits the Bella Buster on Fox. Afterwards Fox goes crazy! She hits Chimel and drags him into the ring and slaps him. She demands that he restart the match and calls out the Bellas again. She eventually gives up and leaves. The Bellas come out and kiss Chimel. He said he feels better now.
* US Champion Sheamus vs. Cesaro is next, who gets a decent pop. Sheamus is out next to a massive pop from the home crowd. Best match of the night, hands down. Cesaro hits the Cesaro swing and Sheamus hits his signatures too. End comes when Sheamus Brogue kicks Cesaro. He celebrates with the home crowd and we go to intermission.
* R-Truth and Xavier Woods defeated 3MB (Jinder Mahal and Drew McIntyre with Slater at ringside)
* Dolph Ziggler defeated Alberto Del Rio with the Zig Zag. Wonderful match, these guys are not used enough.
* Chimel is on the mic again and announces that WWE will be returning to the O2 in LONDON. He is met by major heat by the crowd.
* The main event is up next. The Wyatt Family appear on screen and say "Dublin, we're here." Bray and the rest of the Wyatts make their entrance. Bray has his apron on and is met by major heat. Cena comes out to a huge pop. He takes the mic and says that Chimel made the ultimate mistake and says he understands how he could make the mistake, because the O2 in London can hold 30,000 people and the O2 in Dublin can hold 10,000 and 10,000 Irishmen are better than 10,0000 Englishmen. This gets a massive pop.
Wyatt jumps Cena from behind and grabs the mic and says that "London is the king compared to Dublin." Really good match, there were a few "We got the whole world in his hands" chants. Rowan and Harper are sent to the back for interfering. Cena hits the AA, Wyatt kicks out. Wyatt hits an impressive Sister Abigail, but the ref is knocked out. The other Wyatts come back out and beat Cena. Wyatt grabs a chair but hits Rowan instead. Cena gets the upper hand and clears the ring. He hits the AA again on Wyatt for the 3 count. Huge cheers. He then celebrates with fans and leaves.
Chimel then took the mic and apologized for his mistake. He thanks the crowd and says goodnight. Overall, really great show.
Biggest Pops:
- Sheamus
- Cena
- The Usos
- Ziggler
- The Bella Twins
Most Heat:
- The Wyatt Family
- Damien Sandow
- Tony Chimel
- Alberto Del Rio
- 3MB