WWE Live Event results from Evansville (4/27): Cena, Wyatts, Batista Vs. Sheamus, RVD and more
The show started off with Damien Sandow and Brodus Clay losing to Mark Henry and Big E. Henry and Big E controlled most of the match. It ended with Henry giving Brodus the World’s Strongest Slam.
Titus O’Neal vs Kofi Kingston was next. Titus cut a promo telling Kingston to get the hell out of his ring. As he turned around to give the mic to someone at ring side, Kofi rolled him up for the quick pin. Titus then demanded to restart the match. After a few minutes of watching O’Neal beat down Kingston, Kofi got a few quick hits in and finally got the second pin.
Alexander Russev with Lana squashed Zach Ryder in a lengthy match. Ryder took a pretty good beating, but it was interesting to see Russev’s strength and technical skill live. Russev made Ryder tap out with the Camel Clutch.
After choosing between a Dance competition or an actual match, Brad Maddox announced that Nikki Bella would face Alicia Fox in a 1 on 1 contest with Aksana as the guest referee. Nikki controlled most of the match but Aksana kept making a slow for Nikki and fast counts for Fox. Bella finally forced her to make a 3 count to get the win.
Cesaro beat Sin Cara in one of the best matches of the night. This was the one match I figured would have been a squash. But Sin Cara put up a great fight. This one went back in forth until finally Cesaro was able to swing Cara around and hit the Neutralizer for the pin. Cesaro a huge pop from the adults in the audience.
Bad News Barrett comes out to tell the crowd that Evansville is just a pit stop between Louisville and St. Louis. He then went on to beat Tyson Kidd in a quick match up.
Dolph Ziggler beat Alberto Del Rio. This one was probably the match of the evening. Both guys got in some fascinating spots throughout the match. Dolph gets the ZigZag in for the win.
Sheamus beats Batista by Disqualification. Sheamus was winning for most of the match. Finally Batista gets a chair and hits Sheamus in the ribs. After dragging him back into the ring, Batista tries to strike the Great White but misses, and then gets a Brogue Kick.
It was noted that the Sign Guy was in Louisville Saturday nights. He was also at ringside harassing all the wrestlers tonight as well.
In the main event, John Cena, Big Show, and Rob Van Dam beat the Wyatts. Harper took a finisher from each guy to end the show. This was one of those matches to send all of the kiddos happy.
Biggest Cheers
1) Cena
2) RVD
3) Cesaro
Biggest Jeers
1) Batista
2) Sandow and Brodus
3) Tied between Titus/Del Rio
A good 5,000 were in attendance tonight. 90% of the lower bowl was filled and they had to open up some of the upper level as well, which they didn’t do when they came to Smackdown two years ago. Everyone on the floor seemed to be loud. Overall my fiance and I had a fantastic time!
Photo credit: Nicole (@nicole_rose_54)