
WWE Live Event results from New Orleans (9/29): Sandow tries to cash in MITB, Punk - Heyman

Rob Van Dam


* Rob Van Dam won a 30 man battle royal to get a title shot against World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio later in the evening.

* Natalya & The Funkadactyls defeated Brie Bella, Alicia Fox & Tamina Snuka

* Dolph Ziggler defeated Big E. Langston

* WWE Divas Champion AJ Lee defeated Kaitlyn

* CM Punk defeated Curtis Axel & Paul Heyman in a No DQ Handicap match. Punk managed to get his hands on Heyman, who fled the ring in terror.

* Kofi Kingston & R-Truth defeated Heath Slater & Jinder Mahal.

* Daniel Bryan defeated Randy Orton. The Big Show had to sit at ringside and watch, and he led the crowd in YES chants. After Bryan defeated Orton, The Shield showed up and started a beating on Bryan. Big Show, Kofi & Truth hit the ring and helped DB clear the ring. Afterward, Big Show extended his hand to Bryan, who hugged him instead.

* Rob Van Dam defeated World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio via DQ, so Del Rio retains. Del Rio hit RVD in the head with the belt to get himself disqualified. Daniel Sandow attempted to cash in after Del Rio was laid out by RVD. Sandow gave the briefcase to the referee, but RVD came in and kicked him in the head. Sandow was knocked out cold and unable to cash in.

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