WWE Live Event Results From Rotterdam (5/24): The Shield Headline, Cage Match, Risque Layla Spot

* The Miz, Goldust, Rob Van Dam & Cody Rhodes defeated Titus O'Neil, Jack Swagger, Tyson Kidd & Justin Gabriel when RVD pinned Swagger.
* Rusev defeated Zack Ryder. Basic squash, although Ryder got some offense in. Rusev submitted him with the camel clutch. After the match, he threw Ryder back into the ring and put the clutch on again.
* WWE Divas Champion Paige defeated Tamina & Natalya in a triple threat match. There was a spot where Paige and Natalya were rolling through the ring and, at one point, on top of the ref. Poor Mike Chioda...
* Justin Roberts announces a fan choice match. Out come Fandango and Layla. Fandango was really over with nearly 6000 people singing his theme. Their opponents were Santino and Emma. Justin asks the crowd what they want: a mixed tag team match or a dance off. The latter is received by boos, at which point Fandango shushed the crowd and informed us that he came to dance. Both teams did goofy dances. Fandango and Layla head for the back at which point Santino mentions that the crowd wanted a match, which is up next. They go back and forth tagging their partners in. Layla and Emma square off. Layla acted scared and grabbed Fandango's legs (I'm not making this up). Fandango then grabs the back of her head and air humps her face. Crowd goes nuts screaming, "we want more." Santino and Emma win hitting both of their sock finishes.
* Steel cage match: The Big Show vs. Kane. Short match. Show wins by escaping the cage door after knocking out Kane. Kane is left in ring and he grabs Charles Robinson and goes for the chokeslam. Mike Chioda comes in and he gets grabbed too. Just as he's attempting a double slam, Brad Maddox runs into the cage ordering him to stop. He releases the refs and then choke slams and piledrivers Maddox.
* It's time for a guest ring announcer... the first WWE intercontinental champion Pat Patterson! Patterson doesn't know who the IC champ is. Barrett comes out demanding he does something right and reveal his opponent. Big E comes out, Barrett slams Patterson into the turnbuckle and after Big E grabs him, Patterson punches him. Great match. Barrett wins with the bull hammer.
* Main event: Rybaxel & Randy Orton vs. The Shield. Loud pop for Orton. Ryback is on the apron interacting with the crowd playing a great heel. The crowd went berserk when the Shield came out. Awesome match. Reigns is saved till the very end and is hit with a meathook clothesline. Reigns gets picked up for Shellshocked, but reverses into a spear for the win.
From Sicco:
Welcome to the second annual WWE Raw in Rotterdam from the indoor Ahoy sports Arena. Last year we had a sold out house with a main event of Cena versus Ryback. This year No Cena, No Bryan, No Ziggler instead we are treated to the Shield. The roster is split with the Berlin show held at exactly the same time in Germany where I'm sure the buzzards are now flying and Cesaro is closer to home.
Jack Swagger, Justin Gabriel, Titus O'Neil & Tyson Kidd (w/ Zeb Colter) vs. The Miz, Goldust, Cody Rhodes & Rob Van Dam
Jerking the curtain, an eight man tag team match with the beloved Rhodes brothers, the unpopular Miz and the adored Rob van Dam. They face the team lead by Zeb Colter and comprised of Jack Swagger, Justin Gabriel, Titus O'Neil and Tyson Kid? Is the kid a heel these days? Who knew.
The match gets underway and as can be expected workhorse Cody is the face in peril and Rob van Dam comes in like a house on fire to save the day, covering Titus O'Neill, after performing his signature frog splash. RVD is in high spirits, as can be expected when performing in a country where the quality of Cannabis is second to none.
Rusev vs. Zack Ryder
The spectacular Lana introduces her charge Rusev with some good mic work deriding the beauty of Dutch women in attendance, questioned the manhood of Dutch men in general and professing her loyalty to her leader Vladimir Putin to an outpour of massive heat. Jabroni Zack Ryder mercifully does not get to perform his annoying bronco buster version but is instead fed to monster heel Rusev who gives us an encore of his camel clutch submission hold made famous by the Iron Sheik.
WWE Divas Champion Paige vs. Tamina Snuka & Natalya
Next up a triple threat match for Paige's Diva title. Her challengers are Tamina Snuka and Natalya Neidhart and we are treated to a surprisingly entertaining Diva match. First significant spot is a catfight between Paige and Natalya who physically roll over the referee to a big reaction. Another big high spot is Paige's attempt at a superplex on Tamina timely intervened by Natalya who proceeds to power bomb them both followed by a two count. Submission holds are a big part of the match as an abdominal stretch by Tamina and a Tarantula by Paige are employed. Tamina ultimately taps out to Paige's finishing hold after Paige craftily interrupts the sharpshooter by Natalya. The latter's ring generalship must not be underrated in this match. Natalya kept the match flowing and made Paige look like a million bucks. Above average Divas match especially considering this is a B roster house show.
Kane vs. The Big Show in a steel cage:
Exhilaration wafts through the arena as the next match is a steel cage match. Kane hits a very slimmed down Big Show with half a dozen chair shots before the opening bell. They then succeed in almost demolishing the cage by ramming each other into the wire mesh, duel punch near the top whilst trying to climb over until finally Big show manages to slip out the door after throwing his KTFO punch. A short but enjoyable big man match by two savvy veterans who make good use of the cage as a weapon.
Post match Kane threatens to chokeslam two officials until Brad Maddox shows up to talk Kane out of it only to fall victim to a chokeslam and tombstone to the delight of the fans in attendance. We also cheer at hangings.
Fandango & Layla vs. Santino & Emma
Fandango is up next with his new valet Layla and they are matched up with Santino and Emma. The match is billed by Tony Chimmel as a fans choice match. Dance off or Intergender match. Let's skip the dance part as I try and fail to unsee what I was forced to endure and I shall not inflict this insult on you the unsuspecting reader. Once the grappling starts Santino and Fandango show surprisingly good chemistry with each other as both seem adept at what I like to call a Bushwacker comedy spotfest.
At one point Layla the cowardly heel runs from teeny tiny bubbly little Emma and hugs Fandango's legs for protection from Emma's wrath. Fandango holds the head of Layla in place while grinding his crotch in the face of his own valet and the entertained crowd starts chanting "We want more." Yes, that happened. This is Holland after all. Socks come out both green and Pink and the match unravels as Santino and Emma go over.
Bad News Barrett vs. Big E
Pat Patterson is introduced next as the special guest ring announcer for the upcoming intercontinental title match. A good way to promote the value of a title that is in sore need of restoration and trotting out It's inaugural champion is a good way to accomplish just that. The Champion Wade Barrett interrupts him naturally and his above average talking ability gives him instant heat. It's easy to see why this man was awarded this prestigious belt as he draws heat by explaining to us; "he didn't come here to this stinking hellhole Rotterdam to lose his title." Harsh but certainly true. Barrett retains with relative ease.
Rybaxel & Randy Orton vs The Shield
Rybaxel come out and know how to work the crowd earning a nice round of boo's followed by a huge pop for Randy Orton who just can't seem to get over as a heel. The viper is just too cool for school. So are the three men who walk right past me as the audience almost drowns out their music with a loud hound of justice chant. Axel seems pudgy and out of shape as he is treated to a double snap suplex by Ambrose and Rollins.
The odd man out Dean Ambrose delivers his frantic krav maga-ish offense only to fall prey to all the signature shots of the heel team including a stiff looking Garvin Stomp by Randy Orton. The Viper takes it outside the ring as well and when Ambrose mounts something of a comeback Orton stops it cold by simply synching up on a chin lock and leaning on him. When his father Bob Orton was teaching him how to control the pace and call the spots Its obvious Randy was listening. Orton does not get enough credit for anchoring a powerful match like this in place, insuring It's ultimate success. Just like his father he makes it look too easy. The subsequent tag out to Seth Rollins builds to a fever pitch as the shield do what they do best and that is the fast paced multistyle offense we have come to know and love. Seth Rollins flies, Ambrose runs interference while Reigns finally comes into play with the heavy offense overcoming Ryback with a spear for the three count.
Biggest Pops
The Shield
Rob Van Dam
Randy Orton
Most Heat
Wade Barrett
The Miz