
WWE Live Event Results From Tupelo 20th October 2013

Thanks to WrestlingINC.com reader Bret for sending in these results from last night’s WWE live event in Tupelo, MS:

* The show opened up with a comedy match between Los Matadores vs 3MB. 3MB was minus Heath Slater. After a few comedic spots and a classic hot tag face spot, Los Matadores picked up the win after using their double team finisher.

* Tyson Kidd vs Hunico. Decent match mainly used to showcase what Tyson Kidd can do. Would be awesome if they paired him with a Kofi or Evan Bourne for a really dynamic high flying team. Kidd performed quite a few high flying spots and picked up the win after hitting the top rope flipping neck breaker.

* AJ Lee vs Natalya. This was a match I really would have enjoyed to see go longer. AJ looked good and so did Natalya. Natalya picked up the victory via Sharpshooter.

* R-Truth vs Alberto Del Rio (No DQ Match). Fans got to vote for the stipulation on this match. As every other house show voting, the fans went with no DQ. Alberto controlled the majority of the match. A kendo stick (Singapore Cane), 2 chairs, and a table were used during this match. Truth made an attempted comeback, hitting a couple of his trademark moves, but Del Rio picked up the win after hitting a super kick with Truth on his knees.

After the match, Del Rio went to attack Truth some more, and Rey Mysterio appeared to make the save! After a 619 and splash, Truth and Mysterio went to leave. Damien Sandow was in the building and attempted to cash in his briefcase. Rey and Truth upended that plan after another 619 to Sandow. This led the fans into the intermission break.

* Back from break and we open with Zack Ryder vs Wade Barrett. Glad to see Barrett back in the US after the apparent visa issues he was dealing with a little bit ago. Barrett controls the match but loses after a school boy roll up by Ryder. Well it seemed like there was no repackaging going on with Barrett after all that time off. At least the beard grew back.

* Wyatt Family vs Prime Time Players. A good tag team match between both teams. Titus O’Neil is a monster in person. The Wyatt family picks up the win after the Discus Clothesline lands from Harper. After the match Bray comes in and poses and says, “Follow the buzzards.” I hated that Bray was injured last week because unfortunately, I was unable to see Sister Abigail performed live.

* Finally the main event: Curtis Axel and Paul Heyman vs CM Punk. Huge pop for Punk. It was a no DQ handicap match. I know there are rumors about Punk having nagging injuries, but this guy sells lithe the champ he is even for small town Mississippi. Lots of back and forth using a kendo stick. Punk hits the majority of his high spots. Nails Heyman with some kendo stick shots then catches Axel with the GTS for the win.

Afterwards he went around ringside shaking hands, taking pictures, and I was even able to high five him and say “Go Blackhawks.”

The arena wasn’t sold out by any means but a decent turnout with decent matches overall.

Biggest pops:
1. CM Punk
2. Rey Mysterio
3. Prime Time Players

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