WWE Live Event results from Vancouver: CM Punk headlines, Randy Orton vs Daniel Bryan
Thanks to WrestlingINC.com reader Aditya for sending in these results from last night’s WWE live event in Vancouver. Gurinder G. contributed to this report.
The arena was jam-packed, since WWE comes here so rarely. People had tons of energy and there was plenty of chanting throughout the night. This was my 1st WWE Live event and I got third row tickets at ringside.
Here is a recap of the matches:
The show kicked off with a triple threat between R-Truth, Curtis Axel and Big E Langston for the IC Title. Truth’s entrance pumped everyone up and set the tone for the night. Big E got a decent pop as well. Tons of “Axel sucks” chants broke out throughout the match since he kept avoiding his opponents. R-Truth moves incredibly well for his age; seeing it live made it that much more enticing. Big E and Truth teamed up for a bit against Axel. Big E pinned Axel with the Big Ending. The highlight for me was Axel blowing his nose on a fan who was heckling him. A huge lump of mucus landed right on a guy sitting in front of me. Disgusting, but it garnered some heat.
Next up was Hunico vs Xavier Woods. I yelled “PhD” at Xavier and got a nod+smile from him. I started a small “Sin Cara” chant in my section and Hunico seemed a bit displeased. The match went back and forth with a good display of athleticism by Woods. Woods won the match.
The Bellas came out to a nice pop. Then AJ and Tamina came out and AJ cut a promo along the lines of “I’m too good to wrestle you”. Then Brie took to the mic and taunted them both, leading to a tag team contest. Tamina did most of the dirty work and dominated. At one point, AJ tagged in and tagged out right after that, which lead to a “AJ’s crazy” chant. The Bellas made a comeback and Brie pinned AJ.
Daniel Bryan received a WWE Title shot against Randy Orton. The match was great, with plenty of action and vintage moves by both men including a Top rope superplex. It was probably the best match of the night. Countless “YES!” chants could be heard all night. Orton attempted to get counted out leading to a “You can’t beat him” chant. Just as Bryan locked in the Yes Lock, Kane‘s music hit. This distraction allowed Orton to nail the Rko for the win. Kane came inside the ring and raised Orton’s arm. As they went back up the ramp, Mark Henry came out and started brawling with Orton. Henry threw Orton into the ring and Bryan hit the Running/Flying Knee. Both faces celebrated with the fans afterwards.
Los Matadores vs 3MB (Drew & Mahal) turned out to be quite entertaining and physical. 3MB was really over with the crowd as Vancouver has a large South Asian (Indian) community. Plenty of “We want Jinder!” chants broke out during the match. What really surprised me was how good McIntyre really is. He’s the complete package and is a very tall man. I personally am a big fan of the Scotsman. Although Los Matadores picked up the win, it was clear that the crowd was behind 3MB. Mahal played the crowd for a bit after the match.
Khali and Fandango had a dance off and a match, both of which Khali won. Summer Rae started shoving Khali after the match and Natalya locked in the sharpshooter on her, which appealed to the Canadian crowd. Khali and Natalya did some dancing with the fans afterwards amidst “Khali” chants thanks to all the Punjabi fans here.
The main event fell kind of flat, to my mind. Bray Wyatt came out with only Luke Harper at his side. Punk received the biggest pop of the night. Harper and Punk faced off in a singles contest with Bray Wyatt at ringside. The match was relatively slow paced with too many headlock take-overs and sleeper holds by Harper on Punk. Punk made a comeback with vintage moves like turnbuckle knee + clothesline. Wyatt tried to get involved and climbed up on the apron as Punk was about to hit the top rope elbow. On seeing him, Punk did a body dive outside on Bray instead. Wyatt tried to get interfere again but Punk nailed him with a high kick and pinned Harper with a GTS. Punk celebrated with hi-fives and signed autographs/took pics with the little kids. Punk went back in the ring and grabbed the mic and a “Pipebomb” chant broke out. Punk mentioned he always enjoys coming to Vancouver and the fact that there are so many cougars in the city. Punk did another lap of hi-fives afterwards.
Tony Chimel wished the crowd a good night to close the show.
Photo credits: @AKASez