WWE Live Event results from Vienna (11/16): Four titles on the line
Natalya was a crowd favourite
The Shield vs. WWE Tag Team Champions Cody Rhodes & Goldust opened the show. Goldust was super-over, the crowd kept chanting for him. The crowd loved Shield coming through the audience. Cody got the pin on Rollins for the win.
Fandango vs. Santino was very entertaining; after Santino won, Fandango got on the mic to complain and asked for another match, which brought out the Miz, who defeated him in under a minute.
Damien Sandow lost to Zack Ryder, which surprised most. Sandow controlled the match, but Ryder rolled him up for the three-count. Sandow destroyed Ryder after the match.
The Real Americans beat Los Matadores. It was clear from the start just how over Antonio Cesaro was – but even Jack Swagger was cheered (and everyone loved shouting “We The People”). The competitors wisely changed up the dynamics of the match mid-way, as Los Matadores were getting boos everytime they called out “Ole!”, so they ended up switching the heel/face dynamics, sending in Caesaro with the hot tag and giving the Real Americans the win with the Swing.
Big E Langston defeated Wade Barrett in another good match.
WWE Champion Randy Orton vs. Big Show was a decent contest that didn’t go on for too long. Lots of Orton fans in attendance, crowd was pretty split for this one. Kane‘s music hit and he came out as Show was close to ending it, causing a distraction and allowing Orton to hit the RKO. The Shield then ran in to beat up show, but Big E Langston, Rhodes & Goldust came in for the save, and then Show knocked out Orton.
After the break, the fans voted to see Natalya vs. Aksana in a regular match (as opposed to a dance-off), which Nattie won with the Sharpshooter. Nattie was over quite nicely with the fans.
The US title was on the line in an excellent triple threat match between Dean Ambrose, Dolph Ziggler and Kofi Kingston. Ziggler got one of the loudest reactions of the evening, but ended up getting pinned by Ambrose after Kofi had taken him out. The chemistry between Ziggler and Kingston continues to be amazing.
The main event saw World Heavyweight Champion John Cena defeat Alberto Del Rio in a surprisingly good match with plenty of back-and-forth action. Cena won with the AA.
Excellent pacing of the matches and the line-up in general, the crowd was well into everything, except for maybe the divas match, though Nattie managed to keep the crowd interested. Aside from the usual favorites, I’d have to say the support for Antonio Cesaro was probably most interesting to note.