
WWE live event special from Madison Square Garden - results and reactions

The Dominance of Lesnar was on full display

The WWE special live event from Madison Square Garden was, all in all, a good show with a good dose wrestling and a really hot crowd which was expected. Below are the results from the event that was headlined by Big Show and Brock Lesnar and a steel cage match.

Sheamus and Rusev vs. Randy Orton and Dolph Ziggler

- A good back and forth encounter which the crowd was hot for, saw the babyfaces stand tall after Sheamus got hit by the superkick from Ziggler and an RKO from Orton to be pinned by the Viper. Post match Rusev trash talked Sheamus and compared him to Lana, who shut him up with a Brogue Kick and told him to “kiss his a**”.

Winners: Dolph Ziggler and Randy Orton

Stardust vs. Neville

- We have been seeing these two face each other for quite some while now and they squared off again in what should be the culmination of the feud that is dragging for far too long. As expected Neville hit Stardust with the Red Arrow and picked up the win via pinfall.

Winner: Neville

- Paul Heyman hypes up the main event as he speaks to the lovely Renne Young and declared New York to be transformed into Suplex City.

Team Bella vs. Team PCB

- The six women tag match’s main subplot was the rift between Team PCB as they teamed up to face the Bellas in a good match. The end is noteworthy here as Paige was left hanging when she reached to her corner for the tag but saw Charlotte and Becky jumping off the apron to the shock of Paige and the fans.

Nikki Bella hit the rack attack on Paige and picked up the win thereafter.  

Winners: Team Bella

- Paige cut a furious promo after the match and said that best friends never did what her comrades did.

- A promo for Reigns vs Wyatt aired hyping up the recent events and their impending Hell In a Cell match.

WWE Intercontinental Title Match: Chris Jericho vs. Kevin Owens

- What was expected to be a top notch match lived up to its expectations as these two tore the house down with a back and forth contest that had the fans chanting “this is awesome”. Kevin Owens used the tactic he has been using as of late of the eye rake to pick up the win after a roll up pin on a blinded Jericho.

Prior to the match, Jericho celebrated 25 years since his first match and also mentioned the names of Lance Storm and other friends who were seated in the front row.

Winner: Kevin Owens

- Back from the break, Big Show is shown preparing for the main event backstage. 

- A video for The Dudley Boyz and The New Day airs.

WWE Tag Team Title Match: The Dudley Boyz vs. The New Day

- The heels resorted to what they have been doing in all their matches, and that is to interfere. Kofi Kingston and Big E were the representatives for the tag champs. The latter stages of the match saw the usual spike in pace and some good momentum for the Dudleys, who delivered the 3D on Kofi only to see Woods break up the pinfall attempt, ending the match in a disqualification. 

Winners by DQ: The Dudley Boy

- After the match, The New Day beat down the Dudleys and introduced a table in the ring. Kofi botched a double team off the top and rolled through. It ends with Woods going through the table with a 3D. Devon and a recovering Bubba celebrate. Devon gets the title belts and holds them for a second as we go to a break.

- A promo for Lesnar vs Show aired as the match is next.

Big Show vs. Brock Lesnar

- The Suplex City chants break out as soon as Lesnar and Heyman make their way to the ring. The match began with Lesnar’s constant charge and Show thwarting him with ease by throwing off the top rope. Lesnar was at his best as he laughed off every offense from Big Show. Show hit him with two chokeslams, but Brock kicked out.

It was time for Lesnar to take over and gave Show a tour of Suplex city as he hit him with three. After one failed attempt to get Show up for the F5, Lesnar made no mistake the second time as he neatly executed his finisher and picked up the win via pinfall.

Winner: Brock Lesnar

- Post match, the announcers hype Lesnar for RAW as Show slowly rolls out of the ring. Lesnar and Heyman come back out to the arena as fans pop. Show gets up to offer some resistance to The Beast but to no avail as Lesnar hits him with a Belly to Belly and a huge F5 to finish off the segment by laughing at Big Show and stamping his authority.

Show finally gets up and is still out of it. He slowly makes it to the floor as Eden asks fans to give it up for Big Show. Most fans boo and Show’s music hits as he goes to the back while replays start playing.

Steel Cage Match for the WWE United States Title: Seth Rollins vs. John Cena

- A great match between two stars who have great chemistry with each other saw some amazing spots. Cena came out to his usual mixed response. The match saw the usual escape attempts from the cage and the offense that these two are known to deliver. The noteworthy spots included a top rope leg drop from Cena being reversed into a powerbomb by Rollins and some brutal face smashes on the cage. 

The finish was what was most interesting as Rollins climbed up the cage and was almost about to escape and pick up the win when Kane’s music hits. Kane comes out and taunts Rollins who goes back up the cage and contemplates his options. He attempts a stomp from the top of the cage to Cena on the inside who dodges it and hits Seth with the AA to retain the title. 

Winner: John Cena

- After the match, Kane goes inside the cage while Cena makes his way out. He locks himself up with Rollins inside, who  pleads for mercy, but The Demon doesn’t oblige and delivers a chokeslam to Rollins who tried to fight it off. A tombstone follows and Rollins is all but dead weight lying in the middle of the ring. Kane picks up the World Heavyweight title belt and waves it up to a pop from the crowd and the show closes out.

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