
WWE Main Event, September 18 - Results

The weekly hour long show, Main Event was taped in Cincinnati, Ohio and turned out to a great hour for wrestling fans. With strong in-ring workers like Ziggler, Kingston and Axel taking part, the show was expected to be a great treat to the eye for wrestling fans.

Dolph Ziggler vs Curtis Axel

Paul Heyman and Ryback were ringside as the match began. The match ended with Curtis Axel pinning Dolph Ziggler after Ryback proved to be a distraction for Ziggler. Both these wrestlers put on a great first match.

Dolph Ziggler is on a rough patch right now after suffering a string of losses. But the fact that there was some outside interference from Ryback to help Axel win was acceptable. Good win for the Intercontinental Champion, who has been struggling to maintain his reputation as the champion lately.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

Triple H announces a match between Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton at Battleground as they fight it out for the vacant WWE title.

Kofi Kingston vs Fandango

If you are expecting storyline matches, then Main Event isn’t the right place. The show hardly features any match that go along the storyline, but  it always provides the best worked matches. The second match of the night was as good as the first, and Kingston managed to pin Fandango after a Trouble in Paradise.

Fandango has seen a huge slide down to the bottom after beating Jericho at Wrestlemania. Ever since, Fandango has been in meaningless feuds as his gimmick has not allowed him to take on a different storyline. Though I wouldn’t want him to change character, especially since he dances every night with Summer Rae, there is a huge need for WWE to repackage him as someone different.

Winner: Kofi Kingston

Damien Sandow vs Justin Gabriel

Finally the MITB briefcase holder Damien Sandow got a win marked across his name. After losing countless matches by jobbing to the likes of Santino Marella, Main Event proved to be the right place for Sandow to find a victory. Though not a big change to where he is right now, this is at least a start to him gaining some relevance again.

Both are great workers, with Gabriel being a fast and competitive wrestler. Sandow looks decent in the ring and has faded a bit recently, which could be attributed to his poor booking. Anyway, a decent match, but couldn’t outdo the standard the first two had set.

Winner: Damien Sandow

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