WWE Mixed Match Challenge Results: Alexa Bliss and Braun Strowman vs Naomi and Jimmy Uso

The semi-finals of the Mixed Match Challenge continued this week, with WWE Raw Women's Champion, Alexa Bliss, and Braun Strowman, looking to roll through Jimmy Uso and Naomi. Beth Phoenix stated at the beginning that this matchup is all about romance, as a budding relationship is developing between Strowman and Bliss.
Strowman and Bliss came out first, with the commentary team mentioning how the Raw Women's champions always seem to be surrounded by strong competitors like Strowman and Nia Jax. A video played with Strowman saying that tonight will be the end of the Glow-Ish and that Team Little Big are going all the way in the Mixed Match Challenge.
Jimmy Uso came out next, carrying his tag title over his shoulder. As Naomi entered, a video played of Naomi telling Strowman that Jimmy isn't afraid of him, though the look on his face told a different story. Naomi also claimed that she would snatch Alexa bald.

Naomi pushed Alexa, who handed her title to Strowman. She tried to attack Naomi, but Strowman comically held her back with one hand, with Alexa screaming "let me at her". Jimmy and Strowman started the match off, but Naomi kept Jimmy in the corner, telling him how much she loved him. Strowman attacked Jimmy from behind, but Jimmy caught Strowman with some stiff punches and uppercuts.
However, the momentum would switch quickly as Strowman caught Jimmy with a brutal clothesline, followed by a pair of corner body splashes.
Jimmy escaped a Running Powerslam and tagged in Naomi. The duo locked up, and the referee told Bliss to back off. Strowman told the ref to shut up, and Bliss slapped - to quote Strowman - "the taste out of Naomi's mouth."
Naomi would take over the match right after, however, flying around the ring with clotheslines and kicks. Naomi held Alexa on the ground with an arm wrench, but Alexa fought to the ropes, forcing the break on the submission. Strowman tried to tag in the match, but Jimmy caught him with a cheap shot, followed by two superkicks. After a baseball slide to Strowman's face, The Monster Among Men went to the barricade to catch his breath.
Bliss laid out Naomi and went for the Twisted Bliss, but Naomi kicked her off the top. Strowman caught Alexa and the two locked eyes. Strowman put Alexa back on the apron, but Naomi knocked her off again, causing Strowman to catch her.
Jimmy made fun of Bliss and Strowman's awkward moment, causing Strowman to outrun Jimmy and throw him into the barricade. Bliss attacked Naomi from behind and put her in a headlock. Naomi tried to fight out, but Bliss slammed her down by her hair. Bliss put Naomi in the corner, but Naomi catches her with an enziguri.
Bliss stopped Naomi from tagging in and taunted Jimmy by slamming Naomi's face into the mat. Bliss talked more trash to Jimmy, causing Naomi to catch her with a spinning jawbreaker followed by two crescent kicks. She then hit the Goddess with her patented step kicks, followed by a kick to the face, getting a two-count.
Bliss asked for Strowman to do something, so Strowman ran across the ring and knocked Jimmy off the apron onto the barricade. He then hit Jimmy with a Running Powerslam through the announcer's table.
Bliss took advantage of a distracted Naomi, rolling her up for the pin. Alexa and Braun got the three-count at 10:55.
Results: Alexa Bliss and Braun Strowman defeat Naomi and Jimmy Uso
Braun and Alexa celebrated in the ring, with Bliss sitting on Strowman's shoulders.
Next week's matchup is The Robe Warriors, Bobby Roode and Charlotte, vs the Ravishing Rusev Day, Rusev and Lana.

Roode and Charlotte tell Rusev and Lana that next week won't be Rusev Day, but Woo Day. Rusev replied that he is sick of the Woos, and next week the WWE Universe will be chanting "Lana is the best, Lana number one".