
WWE Mixed Match Challenge Results: October 16th, 2018

Country Dominance & Awe-Ska attempt to remain undefeated in the Mixed Match Challenge
Country Dominance & Awe-Ska attempt to remain undefeated in the Mixed Match Challenge

Tonight's episode of Mixed Match Challenge featured two Glorious matchups. Natalya and her new tag partner, Bobby Roode, looked to overcome the sheer force and power of Country Dominance, Bobby Lashley & Mickie James.

Lana and Rusev also faced off against the champions of Season One, Awe-Ska. The Miz and Asuka have looked strong since the MYC began. Could Rusev and Lana pick up the upset tonight? 

Team Pawz 2.0 (Natalya & Bobby Roode) vs Country Dominance (Mickie James & Bobby Lashley) w/Lio Rush

Natalya's original partner, Kevin Owens, was taken out of action a few weeks ago by her opponent tonight, Bobby Lashley. With a new partner, Natalya hoped to get some revenge against Country Dominance for injuring the Prize Fighter.

Lashley & Roode started off the match, with Nattie and Mickie James debating whether or not the fans were cheering for "Bobby" Roode or "Bobby" Lashley.

Natalya placed her cat ears on Lashley, but the Dominator quickly threw them to the ground and crushed them, leading to a near fall after Roode rolled him up with a schoolboy.

Roode drove Lashley into the corner and began to lay into Lashley with a series of fists. Lashley escaped the corner and took Roode to the mat with a lariat.

Roode backed into his corner, allowing Natalya to tag in. Mickie James was taken down quickly by a snapmare but locked Natalya in a headscissors.

Natalya got out with a kip up, showing off for the fans. The Queen of Harts forced James into the corner, only to be launched across the ring by a hurricanrana. James attempted to kick Nattie, but the former SD Live Women's Champion caught her foot, slinging it down and driving James into the mat face first.

Natalya went for the Sharpshooter, but James made it to the ropes. Natalya went to tag in Roode, but James took her down from behind, then proceeded to beat down her opponent.

Natalya and James collided in the middle with cross bodies, forcing them both to tag in "The Bobbys."

Roode took it to Lashley, pelting him with multiple clotheslines. However, his final one was caught by Lashley, almost being turned into a running powerslam. Roode escaped, then took Lashley down with a Blockbuster. Lashley kicked out at two.

Roode went to the top, but Lashley launched him across the ring, setting up the spear. Roode avoided and Lashley drove himself into the turnbuckle. Roode signaled for the Glorious DDT but was distracted by Mickie James.

James and Lashley were locked into Sharpshooters by both Natalya and Roode. While James tapped out, she wasn't legal. Roode was distracted by Lio Rush, allowing Lashley to attempt the stalling suplex.

Roode escaped yet again, going for the Glorious DDT one more time. Lashley would counter leveling Roode with a spear for the win.

Results: Country Dominance defeated Team Pawz

Country Dominance joins Monster Eclipse (Ember Moon & Braun Strowman) at the top of the Raw side of the MMC, each racking up two wins with zero losses.

Next week, Team Pawz will face off against the 1-1 team of B'N'B (Bayley & Finn Balor).

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