
WWE Money in the Bank 2015: 3 Possible Endings for Money in the Bank match

Sunday will see the crowning of new Mr. Money in the Bank. The briefcase that has the ability to change any career will be hanging down from the ceiling with seven men fighting over it. The fans are still wondering about the criteria that WWE used to choose the superstars. But that is a lost cause now. Instead, the fans should be worried about the climax of this match.

Last time, WWE did great with the whole Seth Rollins angle. This has kept the expectations bar high. So here is a look at some of the possible ways in which WWE will try to live up to those expectations.

The Twist inclusion

A surprise inclusion?

Seven is an odd number for Money in the Bank matches. It would not be a surprise if WWE decides to add one more name to the mix at the pay-per-view night. This, however, will be saved for the Worst Case scenario. As far as we know, WWE is going with Roman Reigns as the winner and if the crowd is too hostile, then this could be a backup plan.

An Authority backed superstar could be the eighth name. The possibilities are endless. It could be Finn Balor from NXT or Kevin Owens. It could even be Brock Lesnar as he deserves to be there. Reigns will not be happy but at the end of the day, the fans will be.

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