
WWE Money in the Bank 2016: Five twists that could happen at the PPV


WWE is selling this year’s Money in the Bank as the greatest one that they have had since the PPV’s inception back in 2010.  One would think that since that is the tagline that surely there will be some great, maybe even career defining, moments happening this Sunday. 

While the company has let us down before, in the back of some fans’ minds, they are holding onto the hope that with this new era that the Sunday night event will start the track for better days in WWE.

Money in the Bank is well known for the unpredictability of the briefcase holder, and when would he cash in the briefcase.  We have seen cash ins at Raw, WrestleMania, and even the actual event before it is over. 

There is a great chance that we could see a cash in on Sunday night.  But, there are several matches going on outside of the rather prestigious briefcase.  We absolutely can’t forget about the dream match that was years in the making in John Cena vs. AJ Styles.  That, along with the traditional Money in the Bank ladder match is enough to sell this event. 

WWE must follow through on their sales pitch of the best Money in the Bank they have ever produced.  And in order for that to stick, there should be some twists and turns to leave fans coming back for more and willing to tune into Raw for the fallout.  While anything can happen in the WWE, here are some ideas that can happen on Sunday.

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