
WWE Money in the Bank 2017: Ranking the most likely winners of the Women's Money in the Bank Ladder Match

Who’s going to win this historic match?

Last week on Smackdown Live, Shane MacMahon announced the first ever Women’s Money in the Bank Ladder match.

For years, we have seen the male wrestlers of the WWE through themselves around and put themselves through pain and punishment all for a chance to win the coveted briefcase and a contract for a World Title opportunity at a time of their choosing.

This year, we will see the women of Smackdown Live do the same for the opportunity to earn a contract for a guaranteed shot at the Smackdown Live Women’s Championship. So, who are the contestants this year?

Well, other than Naomi and Lana who are going head to head in a Smackdown Live Women’s Championship match at the upcoming pay per view, the rest of the Women’s Division will be participating. Charlotte, Becky Lynch, Natalya, Carmella, and Tamina make up the field. But, who is the most likely to win the encounter?

Well, without any further ado, here is our list ranking the most likely winners of the Women’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match:

#5 Tamina

Tamina recently made her return to the WWE

At this moment, Tamina seems to be the person on the lowest rung of the Smackdown Live Women’s Division. Her return to the WWE hasn’t quite gone according to plan as she has been relegated to the role of enforcer in The Welcoming Committee.

It’s not just that which makes her the least likely to win this encounter, though. Tamina’s in-ring ability is still average at best, and her size is a definite disadvantage in this type of match. She is definitely someone who prefers strength over speed.

Her role in the match will probably be to cause massive amounts of destruction before being taken out by a number of other women banding together against her.

Also read: 5 best Money in the Bank Ladder Matches of all-time

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