
WWE Money in the Bank 2017 Results: Biggest winners and losers

Some superstars are clear winners after WWE Money in the Bank 2017

Well, WWE Money in the Bank 2017 has just concluded and what a divisive pay-per-view it was. There were some truly great moments – especially the Men’s Money in the Bank Ladder match main event – but there were also some truly terrible moments in a pay-per-view that promised much but ultimately did not deliver on the hype.

In a time when the WWE is accused of poor storytelling, the company’s creative team did very little to change that perception. A number of storylines were advanced, yes, but the method of advancement was questionable to say the very least.

This holds true in particular for the first three matches on the card which were all marred by a weird dusty finish and none more so than the opening match of the night – the inaugural Women’s Money in the Bank Ladder match where James Ellsworth climbed the ladder, retrieved the briefcase and dropped it off to Carmella who became the first ever Miss Money in the Bank.

While some members of the Smackdown Live roster came out looking like real stars, there were others who were robbed of their momentum. So, without any further ado, here is our list of the biggest winners and losers from WWE Money in the Bank 2017:

Loser #4 Mike and Maria Kanellis

What was the point of this introduction?

The news that Maria Kanellis and Mike Bennett (now Mike Kanellis) were making their way to the WWE generated some decent buzz amongst fans of professional wrestling and this was seen as a great opportunity for the couple.

Unfortunately, they were given very little to do on their debut except for a short promo segment where they preached about “The Power of Love” of all things. It already seems like both Mike and Maria have an uphill task ahead of them to get over with the WWE Universe.

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